Virtual Assistants

Top 11 Outsourcing Risks & How to Overcome Them

We can talk at length (and have!) about the advantages and benefits of outsourcing. But what about outsourcing risks? 

a happy man and woman high-fiving in front of a laptop

Outsourcing is not without its downsides. We at Outsource School aim to provide honest answers. We also want to give you a complete picture of what your outsourcing journey can look like. So that’s what we are going to do in this post. 

We’re going to get into the most common risks associated with outsourcing. These are barriers that make most people hesitant to go down this road. While these may be very real stumbling blocks, we won’t leave you without hope! 

We’re also going to share some helpful tips and guidelines to mitigate these risks. By the end we hope you’ll have a clearer picture of the track ahead of you and the right routine to help you run through it. 

Risks of Outsourcing

1. Loss of Control

Almost any business owner can relate to this feeling. A business can feel like your baby. It’s hard to give even a little control to someone else. This is especially true if that someone lives in a different state or several miles away from you! 

The procedures and methods used to care for that business task or process might not be to your liking. There may not necessarily even be anything wrong with the way they do things. However, outsourcing means you have less opportunity to keep an eye on every single detail. If you are a meticulous person who wants to be intricately involved, outsourcing may not be an attractive solution. 

2. Communication Barriers

A smiling woman wearing headphones looking at a laptop screen and waving and talking about outsourcing risks

Ever read an email, chat, or text message and completely misread the tone? Ever got a call from a relative but their network connection was choppy and you could only catch a few sentences? 

Or have you ever visited a country where they speak a different native language from yours? Maybe you tried buying something or asking a question and it took a while before you came to an understanding.

Well, these situations are not uncommon to the outsourcing experience. 

Virtual meetings have gotten better, but you can’t always guarantee a stable connection on their end. Sometimes English is their second language, and it’s hard to get the point across clearly. 

Slow response times can be one of the risks of outsourcing that is most frustrating. Sometimes there are communication delays because of the time difference and the project gets held back. You might end up pushing deadlines, losing face, or worse, losing a client.

3. Cultural Differences

Sometimes communication barriers are a cultural thing. This can be cultural literally in terms of the country or region or in terms of company or business culture. 

Some countries are very straightforward in their communication, which may sound rude to those who have a different cultural style. Some may have customs that affect how they interact with those younger or older than them. Others might give short answers without elaborating unless asked specific questions. Some might solve problems from a different angle than you. 

This sort of stuff can lead to frustration even though you are trying to solve the same problem. 

Some outsourcing companies may also have different company cultures than yours. You might value getting work done earlier than the deadline. You might do this to account for any potential errors, improvements, or other changes. However, the outsourcing company might not have that same value and give it to you on the deadline. (Which is late in your books.) 

This can lead to culture shock and adjusting can take time, effort, and other resources.

4. Difficult to Find the Perfect Fit

Two women talking to each other over a video call about outsourcing risks

Outsourcing can sometimes feel like shopping for a pair of pants. You take your measurements and even bring a good fitting pair along with you to compare. When you get there, you may find that they have different sizing mechanics, different materials, or wrong proportions. Maybe everything fits right in terms of size, but the pants don’t have back pockets. (And you REALLY like back pockets!) You may just need to go to a different store or look at a different brand.

The fact of the matter is this. Unless you build it from the ground up, piece by piece, it won’t be exactly what you’re looking for. It’s very rare that an outsourcing solution will meet every requirement or preference without making an effort.

You need to be ready to make a few adjustments here and there. Sometimes it’s your expectations that need adjusting!

5. Privacy and Security Concerns

This is probably one of the most alarming outsourcing risks and why a lot of people remain hesitant. Let’s be frank. The risk for data leakage from within your business is never 0. That number gets higher when you allow third parties access to company information. You must simply take greater care to restrict access. Make sure you can trust people before you give them greater power.

6. Lack of Experience with Remote Teams

Managing a virtual team poses unique challenges. You need to think about:

  • Remote onboarding
  • Communication channels
  • Virtual project management 
  • Performance monitoring
  • Payroll

If you don’t have the experience to manage remote teams well, you could end up with more problems

These can be a lot to think about. To the uninitiated, this could easily overwhelm and discourage them from trying outsourcing.

7. Transition Challenges

When giving the reins over from in-house to third party hands, you need to evaluate the outsourcing benefits and risks. It’s true you might be freeing yourself and your team from that task. However, a change of management is pretty major. 

Not only do you have to consider onboarding, but also the rate at which you hand tasks over. For instance, say you’re moving personnel over to another area of operation. That transition can be difficult to manage, especially if you aren’t sure the third party will deliver. 

8. Failure to Deliver or Constant Delays

A woman holding her head in her hands while looking at a laptop screen thinking about outsourcing risks

That brings us to this point. While this is one of the easier outsourcing risks to mitigate, it’s still a fear that holds people back.

We already talked about communication delays. However, there are other possible factors that could delay delivery including:

  • Equipment malfunction or breakdown 
  • Natural disasters
  • New regulations in the country of the outsourcing company

Other possibilities could simply be a lack of professionalism or an overstatement of their ability to deliver. 

9. Quality of the Outsourced Product

Quality control measures are much harder to implement, maintain, and monitor when you outsource. This is doubly true if you outsource internationally. Unless you have a trial run or they have sample work output to show, all you have is their word. Of course, you can set up a trial period and see how it goes. You would have to do a probation period anyway for anyone you hire, overseas or not.

10. Geolocation Issues

This refers to problems related to a person’s physical location. For instance, the freelancer could live in an area prone to flooding and landslides. This can cause frequent power outages or network connectivity issues. The time zone itself might be an issue if you don’t  talk about what time of day you expect them to be available. Make sure you know the conditions before you commit to working together.

11. Intellectual Property Concerns

This is similar to our point on privacy and security. Your patents might be protected, but other processes and trade secrets might not be. Companies and individuals alike could create copies and sell your ideas. They can do shady things that fall in the gap between what is infringement and fair use. To be fair, this can happen with anyone you hire, from anywhere. Hiring overseas just means it’s harder for you to catch them and take steps to prosecute.

How to Manage Risks When Outsourcing

A woman working on a laptop and thinking.

All these risks may seem intimidating, but don’t worry! Below are some practical ways you can mitigate these risks. Most of them are really simple adjustments, too. You just need to get used to the new environments that outsourcing opens you up to. Then you can take the steps to stay insulated.

1. Thorough Selection

Do. Your. Research. Better yet, only hire from reputable agencies and platforms. Then do your due diligence among the candidates there. This way, you have a hiring partner who can guarantee a safer experience.

You can avoid staring in the next outsourcing horror story by simply taking the time to explore your options. Check the candidates’ reputations. Take advantage of social proof like ratings, reviews, and comments. 

2. Setting Clear Expectations

When you’ve done screenings before you get into the interviews, make sure the job description is clear. List your roles, responsibilities, goals, objectives and everything related to the tasks and process. It’s better to over explain than to under explain. When you know exactly what you need, you’ll get a better idea of what you want out of a hire.

3. Spotting Red Flags

While researching and interviewing, check to see if there are any alarming reviews or behaviors. Check to see if their answers are consistent with what they say on other channels like their website or socials.

4. Regular Communication

Check in with your remote team regularly. Make sure to set up clear communication channels and guidelines. From as early as the interview, ensure that your expectations are understood.

5. Performance Monitoring

These check-ins can serve as your progress checks also. You can also use project tracking and management software. You can use this software to communicate with your team, assign tasks, monitor deadlines, and make sure everything is running smoothly. 

6. Data Security Measures

Have them sign legal documents that protect your data, such as an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). Keep sensitive data close to the chest. Operate on a “need-to-know” basis. Do this and you’ll more likely avoid outsourcing risks related to data leaking or other related fraudulent behavior.

7. Building Relationships

This is an important step that many can overlook. This includes building relationships with other businesses and your outsourcing partner. 

With business partners, you can ask their advice and recommendations on outsourcing companies. 

With the outsourcing company, it’s all about trying to find partners and not just workers. When you treat outsourced staff like your own, they are more likely to treat your business the same. 

Don’t forget to conduct temperature checks even with outsourced staff. An unhappy worker will not be putting their best foot forward.

8. Building Your Company Culture and Values They Share

It’s so crucial to build a healthy, collaborative culture between in-house and outsourced staff. This is one of the best ways to mitigate outsourcing risks. 

One helpful tip is to look at their mission and vision statements, values, and objectives. This gives you an initial idea if you would work well together based on what you deem to be important. 

9. Proper Management

This is true both on your end and on the end of the third-party service provider. Your experience with outsourcing benefits and risks really depends on how well project managers handle relationships and projects as a whole. 

If you don’t have experience managing an outsourced project, you have options:

  • ask people who have experience for advice
  • hire a manager
  • train someone
  • rely on your outsourcing partner to help you out

Outsourcing Strategies

The three main outsourcing strategies are onshoring, nearshoring, and offshoring. You can learn more about them by clicking that link. Basically, onshoring is hiring a company from the same country as your business. Nearshoring and offshoring involve hiring from outside your locale and internationally.

What Is Outsource School?

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Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.

This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.

Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.

Schedule a free sales call to learn more

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And that’s our outsourcing risk list! 

Our goal for this article was to help give you the routines and practices you need to outsource successfully. We hope we helped give you the legs you need to jump these hurdles with ease. Now, onwards toward crossing that finish line to business success! 

Virtual Assistants

Insourcing vs Outsourcing: Pros, Cons, Examples, & Things to Know


insourcing vs outsourcing

If you’re one of those people who wonders whether insourcing vs outsourcing is better, you’re not alone! We get this question a lot, even from business owners who have tried both before. In fact, we wondered this ourselves way back when we first started running businesses! 

In this post, we are pleased to present the major insourcing vs outsourcing pros and cons. We’ll name them, give you some examples, and drop a few tips, too. This way, you can start your hiring journey off on the right foot. Spoiler Alert! When you know how to make good hiring decisions, you can succeed with either strategy. 

What is Insourcing?

Insourcing has two main meanings in the business world today. 

One meaning is looking for people from within your organization to do a task or fill a role. This entails either adding responsibilities to an existing role, promoting someone to a new position, or moving someone to a different role. 

The other major meaning is hiring someone to work in-house to accomplish a certain job. This entails getting someone new, not currently employed at your company, ready to work within your office. 

Advantages of Insourcing

When you insource, you can benefit from knowing the people you are assigning a project to. In many cases, they have been with you for a while, so you know what they can realistically do. You won’t have to spend any time testing out their skills on paper. The only step would be holding an onboarding meeting to get them integrated into the new role. You also know how they work – their attitudes and the hiring soft skills you already vetted them for. You know they’re a culture fit, so they can get straight to work.

In addition, insourcing vs outsourcing gives you a way to incentivize working with your company. You can present promotion tiers for those who stay on long-term. You can also offer flexibility and growth opportunities for stellar performance. 

Disadvantages of Insourcing

Insourcing by pulling people from existing roles or adding to these roles can be stressful. The people you are moving or tasking can find the changes to be burdensome. You can avoid this by making sure that they are not only willing and able but happy to do the new tasks. Incentivization is a powerful tool in combination with proper performance evaluation.

A man with a 80/20 mug reading a magazine article about business success.

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing means looking outside your company for someone to do a certain function for your business. There are two main ways to do this.

You can outsource on your own, which means hiring an agency or individual directly. You can also choose to hire an outsourcing company to provide third-party services.

Outsourcing is our favorite way to bring specialized skills and knowledge into our businesses. That is, if we don’t already have them in-house, or want more affordable options. Hiring overseas is a great way to expand hours in a cost-effective manner while not sacrificing quality. 

Advantages of Outsourcing

Whether you hire freelance contractors directly or hire an agency, you can benefit. Because freelancers are business owners and agencies have track records, you can access both greater expertise and broader experience. Outsourcing vs insourcing also opens you up to a much wider talent pool. You can find experts in areas that are not available in your locale. You can also hire experts overseas who you wouldn’t be able to afford locally.

Disadvantages of Outsourcing

Outsourcing vs insourcing has its risks, like not having as much control as with someone working in the office next to yours. Being virtual in nature most of the time, outsourcing is also associated with higher rates of data leaks. These can be avoided, however, with the proper protocols and safeties in place. 

For some businesses, like manufacturing operations overseas, the disadvantage is the great distance you must travel to do quality checks. But you can outsource even this, and we actually recommend it, especially when you don’t speak the language. For the most part, however, businesses hire VAs.

A man looking at a large Apple computer monitor reading about insourcing vs outsourcing

Differences between Insourcing and Outsourcing

Insourcing vs outsourcing is not all that different, but we’ll clarify a few vital distinctions here. For the areas that can be a problem for you, we know some workarounds. That way, you can ensure the greatest advantages and limit the disadvantages.

Types of activities that can be delegated

The main difference of outsourcing vs insourcing is simply what tasks you can’t do over the internet. Everything else can be outsourced to anywhere in the world with internet connections that are fast and stable enough. These days, we have so many online tools that were not available before, so it keeps getting easier. 

Scalability and flexibility

When you hire in-house, you generally need to sign contracts that guarantee employee benefits. This includes insurance, social security, and termination clauses. With online freelancers, you can hire and let go without any restrictions. You also do not need to pay benefits of any kind. They even pay for their own overhead! This means that outsourcing can cover your changing needs better than any in-house deal.

Quality Control Capabilities

Outsourcing has gained a reputation for instability. We think this is a matter of perspective and taking responsibility. 

In terms of worker instability, we like to call this flexibility. If you benefit from someone who will work whenever you want, you have to accept the caveat. They may not always be available because you can’t expect them to sit around waiting for you to call. However, you can always plan and book them in advance. Alternatively, you can look for someone else. The online pool is so great that you can find multiple people for most tasks quite easily.

When you talk about quality control, this is always the responsibility of the company. The leader must set the example and the expectations. Insourcing vs outsourcing is the same when it comes to checks and balances. It’s only the implementation that changes. For example, an in-office worker would get a visual inspection and an outsourced hire would have monitoring software installed. 

Five yellow stars representing quality.

Cost for the company

Outsourcing is much more affordable than insourcing. Mainly, this is due to location. Hiring from less developed countries gives you an instant minimum wage advantage. When you hire from outsourcing companies or agencies, you can also get bulk discounts. This works great for bigger teams like corporate customer service. It also works for several individuals across different departments all hired from one company.

Knowledge sharing

Sharing information used to be difficult when working with overseas hires. Today, however, we use the internet even for in-house communications. This means that there’s hardly any difference. 

If you want to get detailed, you could say that clarifications are easier with in-house persons. Yes, but actually meeting face to face is usually unnecessary. We would further argue that the online tools we have today are more advanced than ever. This is mostly because of the outsourcing needs that pushed for innovation. With such advancements specifically geared towards online work, outsourcing starts looking like the better option, all other things being equal.

Security risks

The security of your data can be poor whether you have someone working next to you or across the oceans. It all boils down to the safeguards that you have in place on their devices. Of course, we have to admit that hiring overseas makes it harder for you to prosecute. It really doesn’t have to come to that, through, if you’re careful.

A man on a video call talking about insourcing vs outsourcing

How to decide: Outsource vs Insource?

We’ve scattered some tips throughout, but here are some additional ones. 

Stage of company

When you’re just starting out, hiring a full staff complement may not be feasible. Even if you have the founding to do it, it’s not generally wise to do so. Hiring freelancers makes a lot better business sense because of the flexibility. As your business adjust and grows, the hiring strategies can flow along with the changes.

Speed of delivery

Hiring in-house tends to be a much longer process than outsourcing to a freelancer. The process of recruiting and doing up contracts alone can take months. Outsourcing gives you so many more people to choose from, and you can do everything online. This means you can find someone faster and get them working sooner. 

Industry standard requirements

If you need to meet certain industry standards or follow local laws, insourcing may be your best bet. Foreign individuals and companies, no matter their experience, may not know the local ins and outs. Sometimes you can find a company that specializes in the area you need work in, but it’s not common. 

Most often, hiring locally will give you the best chance of getting things done right. For example, you need a local lawyer because of government licensing requirements. You can hire an assistant overseas to help with paperwork, though. You also need a local accountant because they know the updated regulations that your business must comply with. Then you can hire a virtual bookkeeper to prepare the books and other documentation for them. This setup saves on time and money and increases quality.

What Is Outsource School?

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Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.

This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.

Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.

Schedule a free sales call to learn more

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We hope that our explanation of the main insourcing vs outsourcing pros and cons helps you! If you need more help to determine which option is best for you, schedule a call! We’ll be happy to discuss your needs and assist on your hiring journey.

Virtual Assistants

How to Create Outsourcing Strategies For Your Small Business

People meeting at a table, writing on documents and discussing outsourcing strategies

If you’re wondering how to create and implement your own effective outsourcing strategies, you’re in the right place. 

Outsourcing isn’t something exclusive to large businesses. Sure, larger companies can reap the benefits of outsourcing on a larger scale. However, outsourcing can be a valuable asset to even startups and small businesses. 

Below, we’ll go deeper into how to develop your outsourcing plan. 

What is Outsourcing?

This is the process of sourcing an individual or company outside your own to perform a task or take over a business function.

Types of Outsourcing Strategies

1. Offshoring

Offshoring outsourcing is hiring an international company or independent contractor to do work for you. Among the strategies of outsourcing, this is probably the most recognizable and most common. 

2. Nearshoring

Nearshoring outsourcing is similar to offshoring. The difference is that nearshoring is hiring a third-party from a country close to your base of operations to take over a duty. 

3. Onshoring

Onshore outsourcing, as you may have guessed, involves hiring a third party within your own country. This can be a company or freelancer within your own state or region or even within your own city. 

Advantages of Outsourcing

A man smiling and giving two thumbs up.

1. Cost Savings

Its cost-effectiveness is what leads many companies to begin constructing their outsourcing strategies. 

Here are three ways you save money through outsourcing:

  • No employee benefits and overheads 
  • Lower comparative rates from countries with lower costs of living 
  • Cost of tools, software, education, and equipment 

2. Increased Efficiency

An outside team allows you and other team members to focus on other tasks. Often, the outsourced tasks are those that take a lot of time. Either that or they aren’t the most effective use of your skills. 

As a business owner, you should be focused on growing your business. You shouldn’t leave core business on the shelf for necessary yet lower priority processes. 

Also, developing your own in-house solutions can take a lot of resources. Ultimately, it would take a while before getting to a point where you can get fast results. This is where an outsourced team can be a worthwhile investment. Having worked with many companies, they have streamlined their operations. This allows you to do what you’re best at while they do the same.

3. Access to Specialized Expertise

With years of experience and expert driven processes, you can’t really go wrong. A third-party might have experience working with similar businesses as yours. This means they likely have the expertise to know what will work best for you and your company. As mentioned, they can do things efficiently without sacrificing a lot of quality. They typically have their own tried-and-true processes. They’ve tested and know which course of action will yield the best results. Knowing how to handle errors and find solutions to problems quickly is also an advantage.

Steps for Developing an Effective Outsourcing Strategy

Paper with numbers on it. outsourcing strategies

1. Define Goals and Objectives

Before you even start canvassing for potential outsourcing opportunities, you should have a plan. As the old adage goes, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” It may be a cliché, but some clichés can be the best advice. 

So, what would an outsourcing plan look like?

The Big Goals

Well, for starters, you want to know what the endgame is. Identify what you hope to achieve by outsourcing. Often, this process involves pinpointing problem areas and evaluating your pain points. This “painpointing” allows you to first justify the need for outsourcing. Not only that, but it also provides a benchmark to monitor progress. 


If your goals are your main destination, then you can view objectives as milestones or checkpoints. It’s valuable to break down goals into smaller obtainables. For one, it makes the goals seem like less of a major undertaking. Another thing is it gives you a more concrete picture of the journey towards the finish line.

2. Identify the Right Partner and Negotiate Terms

Now is the time to begin your research journey. There are several ways you can find outsourcing partners. You can try freelance websites, agencies, social media, business networking sites, and recommendations from business friends. 

What should you look for when picking the right outsourcing partner? 

Reputation – How can you know that a person or business has the skills to back up their claims? One word – reviews. Reviews give you a glimpse into what your experience might be like looking for a partner. 

You can look at popular review sites like Trustpilot or Glassdoor

Experience – How many years have they been in business? How many companies have they worked with? Are they similar in size to your business? Have they worked with businesses in your industry?

Pricing – Flexible pricing plans mean you can scale together with them. You want someone who can cater to your needs without charging you a fee for services you won’t use. 

After you’ve chosen the correct partner, it’s time to.discuss the terms of the agreement. This involves questions such as: How long is the project for? How much are the rates? What are the payment terms? What are the exact roles and responsibilities of the job? 

A man communicating with a woman via video call about outsourcing strategies

3. Establish Clear Communication Protocols and Procedures

Communication is key. It’s another cliché that holds water. This can already be a struggle with teams who physically interact with each other on the daily. Imagine how much more difficult it can get with virtual partners. 

That’s why it’s important to have protocols in place for virtual meetings and remote teams. Setting up the proper comms channels early on is essential for you to succeed in your outsourcing strategies. 

You need to determine what platforms to use, how often to meet, and at what times. This is especially important if you are working in dramatically different time zones. 

Consider coming up with a communication SOPs (standard operating procedure) as well. These SOPs provide step-by-step instructions on who to communicate to, where to communicate, and how often. For some, this might seem excessive. To others, this can save a lot of hassle down the road.

4. Monitor Progress and Performance Regularly

The checkpoints we talked about earlier can help with progress reports. We can use checkpoints as the basis for “check-ins” with your outsourced team. 

When you hit a milestone or due date, these are great opportunities to touch base with your team. You can discuss the status of the project. Are things running on schedule? Were there any hiccups along the way? How is the outsourced team doing? Are there areas that the outsourced team thinks you can improve? 

These are good questions to be asking. Remember, just because they are an outsourced team, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be concerned for them. Whether in-house or outsourced, maintaining good relations is never a bad idea or a waste of time. 

Best Practices for Outsourcing

A woman working on outsourcing strategies on a tablet computer

1. Set Realistic Expectations

A lot of business relationships fall apart when you do not clearly define roles and responsibilities.. These provide a framework for your partnership. 

This involves

  • Listing the tasks needed accomplished
  • The level of skill and experience required
  • Education requirements
  • Specialized knowledge needed for tools and software  

Clearly communicating the job description is so crucial. This sets up expectations for your partnership moving forward. 

Outsourcing companies can make all the promises they want. It is still your due diligence to research people and teams who you believe fit your needs the best. 

All your strategies for outsourcing will benefit greatly from you taking initiative and responsibility early on. 

2. Establish Performance Metrics

This process includes creating and setting up KPIs or Key Performance Indicators. These are measurable targets to aim for during your operations. 

These can be customer satisfaction, gross and net margins, customer lifetime value, and much more.

The KPIs you set up ultimately depend on your goals and objectives. 

3. Maintain Transparency

First, you need to know your needs. Second, you need to be open and honest about your needs. If you don’t communicate these effectively to your outsourcing partner, they won’t be able to help you. 

This includes letting them in on any mistakes you’ve made. Some people have this notion that by revealing the flaws in their business, they compromise themselves. You compromise yourself by not addressing a flawed process or system that you have in place. 

If you don’t know what your needs exactly are, that’s not something to be ashamed of! Some outsourcing solutions provide guidance if you need it. You simply need to communicate clearly with them.

Frequently Asked Questions

A cork board with pins and yarn connecting frequently asked questions.

What type of work is commonly outsourced?

According to Blackbear’s top outsourced services, the list includes:

  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • IT
  • Data Security
  • Marketing
  • HR
  • Customer Service 

We also have a list of 101 tasks you can outsource to a virtual assistant. 

What are the disadvantages of outsourcing?

  • Lack of control
  • Data security risks
  • Miscommunication 
  • Time zone challenges 
  • Cultural challenges

How do I reduce the risks of outsourcing?

  • Set clear goals and expectations.
  • Do extensive research.
  • Hire from a reputable marketplace/ hire a reputable agency.
  • Establish clear communication channels as early as possible.

What Is Outsource School?

outsource school

Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.

This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.

Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.

Schedule a free sales call to learn more

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Our goal with this post is not only to help you get started but be successful. Outsourcing strategies can come in many shapes and sizes. This is one that we’ve seen work most often, and we hope it works out for you too!

Virtual Assistants

15 Tasks a Copywriting Virtual Assistant Can Perfect

A copywriting virtual assistant

Have you ever worked with a copywriting virtual assistant? You’ve probably heard of hiring a copywriter. But a virtual assistant who can handle copywriting – probably not. 

Though the really skilled ones can be rare, they do exist! And when you find one, here’s a list of 15 tasks you can pass over to them. This way, you can get quality help and save your own precious time.

1. Writing compelling sales copy for product descriptions or landing pages

Writing good sales copy that gets results requires finesse. This task also requires some understanding of A/B testing and data analytics. You may know your products well, but don’t really want to spend all that time tweaking campaigns. Maybe you’re already working with a sales virtual assistant. That’s perfectly fine! Just make sure you introduce the copywriter to them so they can work together and not end up clashing.

2. Crafting engaging blog posts or articles on specific topics

Blog posts and articles aren’t technically copy as the marketing world understands it. However, you still want these longer form content types to be attractive to customers. Blog posts and articles aren’t just for providing free information, after all. You want content that can pull readers in to make more sales.

3. Creating attention-grabbing headlines and subheadings

copywriting virtual assistantThis is a great example of what I mentioned above. These parts of blog posts and articles can use the practiced touch of a copywriting virtual assistant. Of course, headlines and subheadings apply to other types of content, too. They are used in product descriptions, social media posts, landing pages, and almost every kind of text content.

4. Proofreading and editing content for grammar, spelling, and readability

A top tier copywriting virtual assistant will be able to help you get every piece of content just right. With better skills and more experience, they can proof all your text content and tweak it to perfection. This way, you can capture your intended audience and make sure they aren’t turned off by glaring errors or even phrases that feel slightly off.

5. Conducting keyword research for SEO optimization

An SEO copywriting virtual assistant is the rarest of these rare gems. A good SEO virtual assistant who won’t ask you for the moon as payment is already quite challenging to find! But again, they are out there if you know where to look. With this treasure, you can get quality keyword research and the actual copy itself done seamlessly. We cannot stress enough how valuable this is! Smoothly integrating keywords researched by someone else into finished copy is not as easy as it sounds.

6. Writing persuasive email newsletters or campaigns

Two women with a laptop talking about a copywriting virtual assistantPersuasive writing is what copywriters do best. However, there’s additional skill involved in creating newsletter content and email campaigns. Email is one of the most underrated marketing tools that businesses have at their disposal. Getting your email marketing done right can boost your business quickly and sustainably over the long term.

7. Developing scripts for video or audio content

For this task, make sure you advertise for a copywriting virtual assistant who specializes in video or audio content. Script writing is not the same as composing an email, laying out a complete product description, or putting together a compelling call-out on social media. The right copywriter for this job will have experience plus more creative writing talent than your average copywriting marketer.

8. Creating social media posts and captions that resonate with the target audience

Social media is its own animal, and we all know that each platform has its own culture. Writing social media posts and captions that grab these varied audiences requires experience. Hire someone who has been on the different channels you need for a while and knows their lingo. 

9. Crafting compelling product or service descriptions for e-commerce platforms

copywriting virtual assistantsLike product descriptions on website landing pages, eCommerce platforms require a specific type of copy to be effective. A virtual assistant who knows the platforms you’re on and what their customers like can be a valuable asset.

10. Writing case studies or success stories to showcase business achievements

Case studies are another highly specialized area of copywriting. Success stories can also be challenging to write, especially for niche businesses. You definitely need a good copywriting virtual assistant to capture the essence of your value as a company and communicate to potential customers the value that they can expect to enjoy from your products or services. 

11. Creating persuasive copy for advertisements or promotional materials

As mentioned above, persuasive writing is right in every copywriter’s wheelhouse. However, advertising is a highly specialized field. If you have a writer who isn’t well-versed in ad copy or how to do successful promotions, you might not see much success. Hire a copywriting virtual assistant to create ads that not only draw clicks but sell more product.

12. Conducting market research to identify target audience pain points and preferences

Market research is not the most glamorous of marketing tasks. It can get really tedious! However, a copywriting virtual assistant can help you, and they can actually do it better than a researcher can. This is because they know what details about your targets are vital to create successful copy – like consumer pain points and preferences.

13. Writing persuasive call-to-action (CTA) statements for various marketing channels

If you’ve ever struggled with composing the perfect call to action, you’re not alone! Most business owners can relate to the experience. Let’s be honest – we’ve all thought at some point that it can’t be that hard, then tried and failed to write something that didn’t smell like grandpa’s favorite cheese. Don’t sweat it. We all have our weaknesses! Hire a copywriting virtual assistant and keep your peace.

14. Crafting engaging website content that captures visitors’ attention

Apart from blog posts, articles, and landing page copy, our websites all need text for each of their other pages. A copywriting virtual assistant knows what else can be added to these pages to avoid redundancy and make the best use of the prime internet real estate.

15. Creating content calendars and planning content strategies for blogs or social media platforms

When you’re running campaigns, you cannot do without content calendars that reflect well thought out strategies! And who better to set all this up than the one who knows how to implement it all? You got it, your all-star copywriting virtual assistant can come to the rescue once again. But don’t forget, these VAs have unusual skill levels, so you need to be prepared to pay higher than average rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications and skills should I look for in a copywriting virtual assistant?

The realm of copywriting is vast. The copywriting virtual assistant you hire should have the qualifications and skills that you need specifically to fulfill the task that you need help with. Use the above examples as inspiration, and be specific in your job post so you can attract the right one.

What tools and software should a copywriting virtual assistant be familiar with?

Again, this can depend on the specific tasks you are hiring for. For example, WordPress, if that’s where your website is hosted that they are writing landing page copy for. Or, Amazon, if they are composing product descriptions for products you sell on that marketplace. However, most copywriters will have a go-to writing tool that they know well, such as ProWritingAid.

Can a copywriting virtual assistant work on a project basis or only on an ongoing basis?

Yes, like most VAs out there, a copywriting virtual assistant can definitely work based on the terms that suit you best. You just need to know what you prefer and find the one who is willing to meet those expectations. Some can even accept either project-based, short-term, or even long-term commitments. 

How do I effectively communicate and collaborate with a copywriting virtual assistant?

Make sure that you have set clear expectations with the person you hire. First, they need to know how you want them to report to you. For example, do you want daily updates? Where they can reach you, and when? Second, give them clear instructions on what you want done and the results you expect. Set clear deadlines as well. 

Effective communication is vital, and we at Outsource School can help if you struggle in this area – just book a call and we’ll get a meeting set up shortly!

What Is Outsource School?

outsource school

Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.

This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.

Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.

Schedule a free sales call to learn more

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Copywriting is not a simple task. This job involves a lot more than simply throwing a bunch of phrases together, loading them up with keywords, and adding in some sophisticated- sounding words. Copywriting is a delicate process that balances the science of marketing and the art of creative writing.

So, how exactly can you get a copywriting virtual assistant – the perfect combination of rare expertise and affordable help? Set up a call with us and we’ll help you find one of these absolute gems!

Virtual Assistants

15 Reasons Why Outsourcing to the Philippines Is Best for Small Businesses

An older man giving a thumbs up to a younger man on a video call.

We think that outsourcing to the Philippines is the best option for small businesses. And that’s not just from a bunch of research that we’ve done here at Outsource School. In fact, it’s the result of many years of experience actually outsourcing to the Philippines! Outsource School founders Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan hired their first virtual assistant in the Philippines when they were in college. 

In this post, we’ll run through all the reasons their experience has taught them why your small business needs to hire from the Philippines.

1.  Skilled Workforce

The Philippines boasts of a highly skilled workforce. The country is home to so many skilled people ready to work that many of them won’t find appropriate employment locally. The lack of jobs to suit their skill levels is one reason why many Filipinos have sourced work elsewhere for decades. When you decide to try outsourcing to the Philippines, you’ll find many individuals ready and willing to give you their best. You can find almost any range of skills that you might need, including graphic design, content writing, app programming, website development, IT support, marketing, customer service, and project management. 

2.  English Proficiency

The Philippines has a literacy rate of 96-98% (the numbers vary by source). This is not just the native languages and dialects, but includes English. English is actually the official language of government, the medium of instruction as mandated by law, and the primary language of commerce. The country ranks 2nd in Asia behind Singapore in English proficiency. Although fluency levels do vary, the general familiarity with English makes working with Filipinos much easier.

3.  Cultural Compatibility

outsourcing to the Philippines

Filipinos have been working in other countries and working with foreign businesses for several decades. This has helped them to be one of the most culturally adaptable peoples on the face of the earth. Filipinos in general are already quite easy going. So, this adaptability makes them just that much more well suited for work with other nationalities. If you have a multi-cultural team, Filipinos will blend in nicely.

4.  Cost Savings

The cost of living in the Philippines is much lower than in western countries. This immediately makes outsourcing to the Philippines a money-saving option. When you add in the high-quality workforce, ease of communication, and cultural comfort, it’s a winning deal. But the cost savings don’t end there. When you hire overseas, you eliminate the need to provide and pay for many things that are required for in-house hires. These include office space, furniture, equipment, electricity, benefits, etc. This makes outsourcing much more efficient.

5.  Quality of Work

More than the skills that they bring to the table, Filipinos are generally known worldwide as hard workers. As long as you set clear expectations, pay them reasonable rates, and treat them with respect, you are almost guaranteed quality work. Filipinos do not, on average, have that feeling of entitlement that can be so prevalent in today’s workforce. 

6.  24/7 Operations

A man looking at his watch in front of a laptop.

One of our favorite benefits of outsourcing to the Philippines is the ability to extend operating hours. While asleep in the US, you can have a team working happily on the other side of the world. This is so valuable for eCommerce businesses especially, which technically never close. We all know that providing amazing customer service is the standard that today’s shoppers expect. Giving them the ability to not only shop with you anytime but also get their questions answered whenever they please is a real reputation booster.

7.  Excellent Work Ethic

Filipinos know the value of work. They also bend toward commitment and dedication when treated well. It’s part of their culture to want to form bonds and maintain relationships. A Filipino who prefers a transactional work vibe is rare! This stems mostly from their strong sense of family values. This contributes to their success at work because they are highly motivated to provide well for their families. They don’t shy away from long hours or a learning curve when they know the job ensures that their loved ones will be taken care of. 

8.  Low Initial Investment

Outsourcing to the Philippines does not necessarily require any initial investment whatsoever. If you’re hiring freelancers through online marketplaces or Filipino virtual assistant companies, you can find some that do not ask for any fees upfront. This means that you can search for, interview, hire and get started with a freelancer with no money down. All you need to put in is time. Simply figure out what you need, put together a job description to attract the right candidates, and go through the selection process. With most marketplaces and even some agencies, you pay when the work is done.

9.  Improved Productivity

a man taking notes in a notebook about outsourcing to the Philippines

You can bring a higher productivity rate to your business by outsourcing. A lot of this has to do with having people who are able to work around the clock, without paying exorbitant night differentials. When you can speed up your delivery cycle with reduced times for process development, you can serve more customers and make more money. 

10.  Improved Work-Life Balance

Filipinos have a good understanding of work-life balance, so they usually perform well over time. As long as you manage them properly, you will always have a happy team ready to give you their best on the job. Because they value family so highly, you may have to give them a bit more flexibility than you’re used to. This is usually in terms of taking hours or days off here and there. Still, outsourcing to the Philippines is a great choice because Filipinos know how to give grace for grace. They will make up for missed work with gratitude, and build loyalty towards you for being understanding. They also do not usually insist on keeping all the local holidays and will gladly work overtime to help you out in a pinch.

11.  Access to Larger Talent Pool

The number of young people far outnumbers the numbers of elderly and children. These are people in the workforce or nearly ready to enter it. Moreover, colleges and universities in the Philippines graduate more than half a million students every year. That makes for a very large pool of qualified workers. 

12.  Scalability

A woman drawing a business workflow plan.

Outsourcing opens you up to a pool of freelancers. This means you can hire someone for an hour, a day, a week – however long you need them. You don’t need to make any commitments like you would when hiring an employee. This really takes the pressure off, financially in particular. You can get help when your business needs an extra set of hands, and release them when peak season is over. 

13.  Saves You Time

Outsourcing to the Philippines saves you time primarily because you can get what you need almost immediately. When you work with experienced marketplaces and agencies, they can get you up and running within the day in some cases. You can also outsource almost any task you can think of that doesn’t require a physical presence. Because you pay much lower rates than you would locally, you can outsource more. This means you can pass of almost every task that you don’t need to be doing as the business owner. 

14.  Flexibility

Because you’re not hiring based on long-term contracts with severance packages on the line, you can be flexible. You can try out a lot of things that you would normally be afraid to risk. If they don’t work out, there’s no mess to clean up in terms of HR. You can move hiring resources around as needed and form longer-term teams only when and where it makes the most sense.

15.  Good Attitude

outsourcing to the Philippines

Another of our favorite benefits of outsourcing to the Philippines is the cheeriness of the people, even in the face of adversity. Rarely will you find a melancholy Filipino. It’s almost a cultural taboo to frown! The positive attitude and friendly demeanor of the Filipino is even contagious. If you have a bunch of Filipinos on your team, you can actually see other team members start to act happier.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of services can I outsource to the Philippines?

You can outsource almost any type of service to Filipinos. As long as they can do it online, you can find someone qualified to get it done right.

How can I ensure data security and confidentiality when outsourcing?

When outsourcing anywhere, setting up digital safeties on your end is always recommended. With data being accessed over the internet, you are vulnerable to a number of cyberattacks. In terms of freelancer security, make sure that you are giving access only as needed and that you retain administrative control. Setting up monitoring is also vital to ensuring data security and confidentiality.

Is it possible to have real-time collaboration with teams in the Philippines due to time zone differences?

Absolutely! Freelancers in the Philippines are used to working with companies in different time zones. They understand the nature of the work and are always willing to find time to meet during client business hours. 

What Is Outsource School?

outsource school

Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.

This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.

Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.

Schedule a free sales call to learn more

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Outsourcing to the Philippines can be the best decision you ever make for your business. We have lived this and recommend it to you because we know it’s true! Try it for yourself today at little to no risk and see how much it can boost your business.

Virtual Assistants

Outsourcing to India: Everything You Need To Know

Two computer screens showing programming code. outsourcing to India

Did you know that you could reap the benefits of outsourcing to India, even if your business is small? In fact, most smaller businesses these days are taking advantage of outsourcing software development to India, along with many other tasks. 

In this post, we’ll talk about the pros and cons of SEO, customer service, software outsourcing to India, and more. We’ll also look into how businesses normally take advantage of outsourcing to India. Finally, you’ll catch a glimpse into how to outsource work to India once you’re ready to give it a try.

Benefits of Outsourcing to India

You may be asking, “Why outsource to India in the first place?” Well, the benefits of outsourcing to India include several major factors, which we’ll go over here. 

Cost Savings

The first of the major advantages of outsourcing to India is cost savings. It will cost you a lot less when you’re outsourcing customer service to India, for example. If you hire from the US, Canada, UK, or other western country, you can easily pay double or triple for the same work. Because India’s economy is different, your dollar will go further than it would at home. As long as you’re still paying decent wages, you should be able to get the quality services that you and your customers deserve.

Access to Skilled Talent

Let’s say you wanted to try outsourcing SEO to India because of the cost savings. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to know that many Indians are highly technologically savvy. By this logic, outsourcing web development or software development to India is a good idea as well. If you were to ask other businesses out there, you would probably find that most have had at least one Indian involved at some stage in their project. 

outsourcing to India

Time Zone Advantages

Hiring from a country that’s several hours ahead may not sound like an advantage at all. However, we think it’s another of the best benefits of outsourcing to India. While you’re still cozy in bed, an Indian team can be hard at work on your app or website. This way, you can immediately have a look at their progress. Then, you still have time to give further instructions for them to do before their workday ends. If you’re outsourcing customer service to India, the time difference means that you can have people taking care of your customers while you sleep. And you’re not even paying the usual night differential!

Technology Infrastructure

India is one of the few countries in the world that have massive technology infrastructure for serving overseas industries. India is known for tech savvy, exposure to western culture and the English language, and low cost of living. Because of this, they are one of the BPO giants. BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing, which is an industry centered on helping other countries with outsourcing and offshoring to India. It’s a huge industry because businesses always look for ways to save on costs while getting the same quality output. 

Challenges of Outsourcing to India

Outsourcing to India is not all rainbows and roses. Every option out there is going to have some caveats. You need to be aware of these pitfalls, but don’t let them scare you away from outsourcing to India.

Cultural and Communication Barriers

India does have a lot of contact with the western world. However, this does not guarantee an absolute match in terms of culture. It also does not mean that every individual you come across will speak English the way you expect. 

Many will say that they speak English fluently. That means, however, that they speak well according to their standards. It’s a different variety of English, just like British English differs from American English in vocabulary and accent, and even grammar. Maybe their teachers – also not speakers of your native variety of English – told them they speak very well. They are likely not aware that people in other countries can’t understand them or don’t hold the same values and norms as they do.

One thing that warrants its own paragraph here is a warning about Indian holidays. Make sure that you ask anyone you hire about the holidays that they observe because Hindus and Buddhists especially have some very lengthy holidays that the west isn’t accustomed to.

Lack of Privacy and Security Laws

Every country has its own rules and regulations. Outsourcing to India means managing your expectations in terms of what laws they must abide by. When it comes to Asia, you need to know that the law tends to be less advanced in the areas of technology. This means that you need to cover your bases more thoroughly than you would if you were hiring locally. We recommend consulting a lawyer who is well-versed in the privacy and security laws that will affect you.

A woman burning money.

Unforeseen Expenses

Hiring overseas will always come with the risk of unforeseen expenses. You won’t be able to control the work environment, for instance, because it’s not your office. You won’t always know what might pop up for an overseas hire, either. However, you can easily reduce these risks by going over the details of the job and setting clear expectations. 

Take note of any instances when a hire doesn’t comply. Take steps immediately to ensure higher compliance next time around. Still, they may simply not meet your expectations, or don’t seem to be trying to. In this case, be prepared to safely stop work at a reasonable point in the project and let them go. If you have the proper milestones set up, you should have zero problems hiring someone else to pick up where they left off.

Types of Services Commonly Outsourced to India

You can outsource a lot of different tasks to India. We don’t want you to think that there is a limit on what you can hire for there. These are just a handful of the most common outsourcing examples

Software Development

Outsourcing software development to India is probably the most well-known of all. Getting software built from scratch can be super expensive. This is the main reason why India is a go-to option, since they can do the work just as well as developers from the other side of the world.

Mobile App Development

Software outsourcing to India isn’t just desktop stuff. These days, a lot of companies are getting their own apps made. This is because just about everyone has a smartphone, and prefer to use it. More than this, companies can target more users with mobile apps because people are on their phones loads more than they are on computers. If you want an app built without getting into debt, consider outsourcing to India.

Digital Marketing

Outsourcing SEO to India is another really common one. SEO is really technical, and India has a long history of focusing on technical skills. It takes a special mind and special training to understand SEO at a high level. When your business is at stake, you want to hire only the best optimizers to get you quality hits to make bank.

outsourcing to India

Back Office Services

We highly recommend to all our clients that they pass off administrative type tasks as quickly as possible. These tasks are tedious and time-consuming – not the type of stuff a business owner should be handling. These tasks usually don’t require a ton of skills, but it’s always good to hire someone who understands all the tech that you use for business operations so they can do their job well.

Customer Support Services

A lot of businesses shy away from outsourcing customer service to India. They prefer to go with the Philippines or Latin countries because the accents are easier to understand. However, you can find a number of Indians who actually have very clean English – you just have to be willing to pay more than a few dollars per hour! It will still be totally worth it. In addition, accents have nothing to do with grammar, so if you need some non-voice talent, there’s nothing stopping you from outsourcing to India.

Alternative for Outsourcing

Outsourcing to India is not your only option! You can outsource to many different countries all over the world. You can actually hire anyone these days who has the ability to work online. We have a favorite, however, which is the Philippines! Our whole team, actually, almost exclusively consists of freelancers we’ve hired from the Philippines.

The reason why we so highly recommend hiring from the Philippines is because they have the best scores in the areas we mentioned above. The costs of hiring in the Philippines are comparable to those in India. Sometimes, they can be higher, but this is because you get better quality. 

The time zone advantages are the same, and most Filipino freelancers are actually willing to work odd hours. They are very accommodating – it’s part of their laid-back culture! – so you can quite easily come to an agreement on hours. The BPO industry in the Philippines is also booming, so they have the experience and the infrastructure to support outsourcing. One of the things we love the most is that Filipinos speak English much better overall than the rest of Asia. Although some may have some accent and grammar issues, it’s not hard to understand them, comparatively. You will still need to look into privacy and security laws and set clear expectations to avoid unforeseen expenses. But you should be doing this with any hire, anyway!

Frequently Asked Questions

A cork board with pins and yarn connecting frequently asked questions.

How much can I save by outsourcing to India?

The amount that you can save by outsourcing to India versus hiring locally depends on the task you are hiring for. As mentioned above, you can expect to save up to 70% for the most part. This takes into consideration salaries and benefits, overhead, and equipment. If you require special software and are paying lower hourly rates, most freelancers will not agree to pay for the software.

What are the risks associated with outsourcing to India?

Outsourcing to anyone is risky because you have a lower level of control. You do not work in the same space, and cannot supervise them closely. When you outsource overseas, this level of control drops further. You can manage these risks quite well, though, if you set up the right checks and balances and keep a close eye on operations – or hire someone to do that for you!

How do I ensure data security and confidentiality when outsourcing to India?

For the most part, limiting access to data is the best way to ensure data security and confidentiality across the board. Always keep backups, and set up safeguards so you are always in control of your data. This is especially important for financial data. Scammers are everywhere! The only reason why we all worry about getting scammed overseas is because it’s much harder to prosecute an overseas scammer. Moreover, the reason why countries like India, China and Russia have a bad reputation when it comes to scams is because of numbers – there are many more Indians, Chinese and Russians in the world than other nationalities. 

What are the cultural differences that I need to consider when outsourcing to India?

One major hurdle for many western businesses when hiring Indians is the expectation of advancement. The Indian mindset is hierarchical because their society is hierarchical. An Indian hire can quickly lost motivation if not given opportunities for advancement. If you have a flatter operating structure, you may want to adjust for your Indian team to keep them performing well. 

To meet their aspirational goals, you will need to develop performance metrics to apply to them that unlock benefits. For example, if they finish a project faster without a lot of bugs, they get a bonus. If they fix bugs before the set deadline, you give them a nice review to post on different sites where they get work. Commendation within the company is also a good way to motivate people who love knowing that they can climb the ranks and hate feeling like they are commodities.

What Is Outsource School?

outsource school

Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.

This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.

Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.

Schedule a free sales call to learn more

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After weighing the drawbacks and benefits of outsourcing to India, you may still feel uncomfortable pulling the trigger. We understand how making that first overseas hire can be daunting. However, we are confident that if you know how to outsource work to India, you’ll be totally fine. It’s really about hope much attention you pay in the early stages, as you prepare to get an overseas hire ready to start working. If you need help in this area, we are, of course, available to you. Just book a call and we’ll get together to see how we can be of assistance.

Virtual Assistants

Call Center Outsourcing: Benefits, Potential Hurdles, & Costs

A man using the phone talking about call center outsourcing

Call center outsourcing has several benefits for businesses to enjoy. However, outsourcing to a call center also has potential hurdles. You need to know what all of these are before you decide to try it out. You will also want to know what the costs are like. Yes, you can definitely save a bunch, but you need to make sure it’s worth it in the long run.

How Does Outsourcing Work?

Outsourcing means the process of one company handing over work to another company. This includes passing the responsibility to plan the work and execute it according to an agreed upon standard. This work could actually be done internally by the first company, but they prefer to let another company handle it. Usually, this decision is made because they can get top-rated services from candidates without having to be part of the selection, hiring, training or managing processes. This hands-off approach gives the company more flexibility as it increases efficiency and reduces costs. Mostly, this is due to more strategic human resources and the absence of overheads. 

In a nutshell, the hiring company tells the outsourcing company what it needs. Then the outsourcing company provides the right candidates. The hiring company pays the outsourcing company and receives the completed work.

Outsourcing Customer Support

Inbound and outbound call center outsourcing has been the go-to for many companies. This is especially true in the area of customer service

Benefits of Call Center Outsourcing

Two smiling women at a table with a laptop talking about call center outsourcing

Service Expertise 

Outsourcing call center tasks gives you the added benefit of expertise. Call centers provide such services to many other companies. Over the years, they have gained a lot of experience. Moreover, they are sure to keep their service offerings up to date because they have to please all these clients. 

Outsourced call center work means you can provide your customers with top-notch  customer support. Business Process Outsourcing companies (BPOs) focus on giving companies specialized agents using updated technology and data. Unless you have customer service expertise, inbound and outbound call center outsourcing is your best option. 

Of course, you can hire your own freelance team of customer service experts. With this option, however, you will need to manage them in-house. 

Done for You

Outsourced call center work frees up your company’s time and talent. All you do is tell the outsourcing call center what you want done, and they take care of everything. You don’t need to do any hiring tasks like searching, recruiting, interviewing, onboarding, or training. You don’t need to manage anyone, either, or deal with disciplinary matters or terminations and the like. This way, you can all focus on what you do best to get the best results for the business.

Cost Savings

The outsourcing call center cost you will pay is usually much lower than hiring in-house. This is especially true when you do outbound call center outsourcing to countries like the Philippines. This takes into account, of course, the quality of the service that these countries can provide. Namely, you want agents who speak your language fluently, know your business and the industry, and other specialized knowledge in the customer service field.

Most notably, outsourcing call center cost savings come in the form of non-existent recruitment and management costs, equipment, and overheads. This is a huge help when you are trying to reduce operating costs as much as possible. 

As part of management costs, we must mention scalability in particular. Outsourcing call center costs drop significantly when you can make changes instantly. You can scale up or trim down your customer service support team when demand changes and not have to worry about severance packages, retraining, etc. 

One of the other notable particulars that contributes to cost savings is customer satisfaction. With local, in-house teams, working odd hours can be a problem. The international nature of business these days demands that your business have a 24/7 presence. With call center outsourcing, you can offer longer service hours without paying exorbitant overtime and night shift pay differentials. Plus, when customers can contact you whenever they need you – which they expect these days! – they will be happier. Customers who can see that you value them are more likely to spend more money with you and recommend you. Again, as your needs change on different channels that require different hours for voice or live chat support, you can scale up or down easily.

Potential Hurdles of Call Center Outsourcing

A man screaming into a phone about call center outsourcing

Loss of Control

Most notably, you will lose a great degree of quality control when you go for inbound and outbound call center outsourcing. You can’t see everything that’s going on, and the call center may not report everything bad that happens. Of course, they will probably want to cover themselves. So, you will have to dig to find potential issues. This usually means taking the time or hiring someone to do random inspections. This way, you can still protect your brand reputation and maintain your ability to deliver your brand promise. You can also customize scripts for them to reduce errors.

Lack of Knowledge

You may find it difficult to confirm specific outsourced call center skills. Because BPO hiring is so flexible, agents move around different accounts. This means you run the risk of using customer service agents who do not know your company or the industry well. 

If you require the call center agents you hire to have special knowledge, you will pay more than the usual rates. In this case, you might be better off hiring and training your own team of freelancers. This way, they will know your business and products inside and out. That’s how you guarantee that your customers will get the support they expect. Outsourcing to freelancers is also highly flexible, although it requires a greater initial time investment on your part. 

Language Barriers

As mentioned above, language proficiency is a major concern with call center outsourcing. Most BPOs are overseas, which means that most agents will have questionable cultural knowledge and language fluency. That is, if you are hiring the cheapest available workers. If they are unable to communicate effectively, this will affect your bottom line in different ways. As a result, we recommend that you pay more for better suited representatives to save you potentially bigger losses in the long run. 


If you are a smaller business, you may not be able to commit to the larger contracts that many BPOs require. Know that there are other options out there, albeit more costly. Shorter contracts will serve you well as you get used to the way call center outsourcing goes, and verify the value you are getting before you commit.

Services you can outsource

A call center outsourcing floor.

Of course, you can outsource any service that can be done over the internet. These are just the three most popular outsourced call center tasks.

Inbound and outbound voice support

Inbound and outbound call solutions are the most popular in the outsourcing world. You can also outsource all kinds of customer service for multi-channel communication under the umbrella of voice and non-voice services. You can outsource either inbound or outbound services, or both at different levels, depending on your needs.

Inbound voice support usually covers customer service and outbound voice support mostly deals with sales.

Marketing calls

Aside from your typical outbound cold calling, you can outsource specialized marketing communications. Most companies find telemarketing campaigns too expensive, but outsourcing can make one doable for your business. 

Lead generation is a more common marketing activity for even smaller companies. You can set up scripts for call patterns that agents can follow. Then they can safely reach out to potential customers within these parameters, gather relevant sales data, and create reports for you. When you are able to track specific data in this manner, you can do proper data analysis. Then you can make changes like creating more targeted campaigns because you have a record of common customer needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a call center and a BPO company?

The terms “call center” and “BPO” are often used interchangeably. There is a difference, however. Call centers are actually part of the BPO industry. They focus on voice support services, like taking customer calls. BPO companies cover these services as well as other outsourced back-office tasks.  

If you require highly technical or professional skills, we recommend that you hire a BPO company. If you need a simple and affordable solution for customer service, you can go with a call center solution. 

Can small businesses benefit from call centers?

Small businesses can definitely benefit from maintaining an external base of operations in the form of a call center. This will help with handling current operations and provide an avenue for growth as well. With the right call center solution, you can give your business that professional touch that customers will recognize. This comes from guaranteed quality assurance that comes from experience and expertise. Services can be tailored to your small business needs, so you don’t need to worry about unnecessary outsourcing call center costs. 

What Is Outsource School?

outsource school

Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.

This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.

Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.

Schedule a free sales call to learn more

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Call center outsourcing can be the perfect solution to your customer service needs. You may even have other needs like lead generation or various technical tasks that a BPO can help you with. Just make sure you know what you need and confirm that the company you work with can meet them.


Virtual Assistants

10 Successful Outsourcing Examples To Learn From

Do you want to start offloading tasks but need some successful outsourcing examples to work off of? In this post, we’re outlining ten examples of outsourcing that can get you thinking about what you need help with.

A girl pointing to groups of sticky notes on a board while other people around a table with laptops looking at outsourcing examples

What Is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is the process of handing over a task or a business process to an outside entity. These third-parties act as an extension of your business for a limited time. 

The great thing about outsourcing is the fact that you can hand over almost any task. When it comes to overseas outsourcing examples, they always involve tasks that someone can do over the internet. Some examples of outsourcing include: 

  • Admin or back-office tasks, 
  • Customer-facing tasks like live chat services
  • Core business functions like sales or production 

A business can outsource to anyone outside their company. You can outsource to an individual who lives in a building right next to you. If you want to leverage certain outsourcing benefits, you can try offshore or nearshore outsourcing. This is where you hire a company or individual in a different country to perform tasks for you.

Benefits of Outsourcing

A paper with a checklist of "yes" and "no" for outsourcing examples

Cost Efficient

Cost-effectiveness is the selling point of outsourcing. 

One main reason to turn to outsourcing is the costs of maintaining full-time, in-house workers. Benefits and salaries are just the tip of the iceberg. You also have to account for taxes and other overheads. With outsourcing, you don’t have to worry about those things. 

Some countries charge lower rates for the same quality of service. A lot of US companies outsource overseas to India, China, and the Philippines because of better rates. 

Though, don’t get us wrong. This is not to say that these countries are havens for cheap labor. Their lower cost of living simply means you are more likely to get better deals on rates. This is especially true if you live in places like California, New York, or other states where prices are inflated. 

Saves Time

Your time is even more valuable than your money. Chances are the tasks you want outsourced are those you don’t believe are worth your time to do. That’s an honest take and completely valid. Why would you spend time on outsourcing examples like data entry, logistics, or manufacturing? If it’s not something that you’re passionate about or is a good use of your skills, outsource it!

Say you do value and care about these tasks. Even if you want to do it yourself, you can’t do everything. You only have 24 hours in a day and not sleeping is a pretty bad idea. 

Outsourcing frees up both you and your staff to focus on your strengths. Lower priority tasks could be taking you away from core business areas. They could even be distracting you from investing yourself fully into making your business succeed.

Access to Expertise

We love a hands-on business owner who can handle multiple tasks and perform excellently. However, as much as we may want to, we can’t be good at everything. Enter the experts. Their value is that they have already invested a lot of energy and resources honing their craft. 

These companies have done trial and error for you. The result- optimized processes, fast-learning, and quick problem-solving capabilities. 

Experts save you both time and money. They’ve invested in becoming the best so you can be confident investing in them. 

Risks of Outsourcing

Lack of Control

When outsourcing anything, you are giving up control over that particular task or project. While it isn’t full control, it’s enough to make people hesitant to choose to outsource. If you are someone who values being involved in every step of the process, outsourcing makes it difficult to do that. This is especially true the farther away you decide to outsource. 

Quality Issues

It’s very possible that the service provider could be doing things that do not meet your standard of quality. Even the same products made in separate countries can taste very different. This can be due to the materials used, equipment used, or management styles. If you are a products-based business, you can outsource close by. This way you can inspect the progress and result yourself. 

Security Concerns

Data security is non-negotiable. Whether it’s customer information, financial data, or product details, you need proper protection. The risk for data breach or misuse is never zero. However, there are a lot of companies who make security guarantees. In fact, some have entire pages dedicated to it. But you must ensure these companies are legitimate and not scammy.

10 Common Outsourcing Examples in Business

A notebook with a to do list for outsourcing examples

1. Marketing and Advertising

A lot of companies know how to make a great product or service. Not a lot of companies know how to market those products well. This is where sales, marketing, and advertising outsourcing come in. These individuals or teams are well-versed in consumer gaze. They know what draws people in, what mediums to use, and what platforms your target audience uses. They can help you develop effective strategies to not only generate leads but also improve conversions. 

2. Customer Service

Apart from physical staff in stores, customer service can be a completely remote process. For instance, say you are running an ecommerce store. You can hire another person or team to take care of customer emails, FAQs, and even install live chat services. These entities will learn about your products and services and provide the best customer experience possible. 

3. Manufacturing

This is probably one of if not the most common business process outsourcing examples for product-based businesses. Few companies have the resources to produce their own products at scale. This is where white label manufacturers come in. They have the tools, equipment, and real estate to produce items for you. This comes out incredibly cheaper in the end. 

4. Business Development and Sales

Business development is one of the business process outsourcing examples that I like to lay out. Business development is a broad role with many components that you need specialized skills to fill. Sales actually falls within business development. Another major area is partnership development, which ties in with marketing. 

Examples of outsourcing here include tasks like market research and analysis, sales channel and strategy development, customer outreach, and company value growth.

A person at a table working on outsourcing examples

5. Shipping and Logistics

We can talk about only a few areas that are more successful outsourcing examples than shipping and logistics. These two tasks are among the most tedious, repetitive tasks in any business. Yet, they are so vital to get right every single time. If you’re not using a done-for-you service like Amazon FBA, you will thank us for recommending that you outsource this as soon as possible.

6. Accounting and Bookkeeping

This area of business involves maintaining a general ledger, ensuring financial accuracy of documents, and prepping and filing taxes. It requires some specialized skills, so you’re better off not trying to learn it all yourself. Hand it over to more experienced persons, like the folks at EcomBalance.

7. Information Technology (IT)

It’s been a stereotype for a while that “IT guys” only help you when you don’t know how to work a computer. While they certainly can help you with that, their duties encompass far more than that. Take cybersecurity, for example. One way for a company to safeguard its sensitive data is through a strong IT department. They help build databases but also help put up safeguards and backups in case something goes wrong. IT is also in charge of networking and installing the proper software and tech hardware needed (like servers).

8. Human Resources

We at Outsource School can help you a ton with the hiring process. However, we highly recommend that you hand off even this process itself once you understand the basics. Some of the most successful outsourcing examples that we have from our clients are completely outsourced systems. This means outsourcing to an HR manager who takes care of everything from job posting for recruitment and interviewing candidates to onboarding hires and managing them within teams.

9. General Admin and Executive Assistance

This is another among the most popular outsourcing examples and for good reason. We mentioned how valuable time is for a business owner. The best way to protect your time is to pass off all the most time-consuming, repetitive tasks as soon as you can.

10. Software Development

This and similarly high-tech tasks are great examples of outsourcing for skillsets. You don’t need to hire in-house developers unless you are a software company or agency. You will also not do well learning all the high-tech knowledge that you would need to build your own software. The best solution, therefore, is to outsource the project.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I minimize risks to my business when outsourcing?

The greatest risks to your business when outsourcing are due to misunderstandings. First, therefore, we urge you to set very clear expectations with any hires before you begin work. Come to an agreement on every aspect of every project or role. Then, get everything down on paper and make sure both parties have no questions before you sign it. This can help you to avoid so many possible issues down the road.

Another common risk you face is due to the anonymity of the internet and the difficulty of prosecuting outside your country. It’s relatively easy to cheat online and hard to run after people who do it. So, we highly recommend that you do your due diligence before putting money on the line. Only hire from reputable companies with a long track record of client satisfaction.

Can I outsource multiple tasks to one person?

Absolutely! A lot of freelancers are used to managing multiple tasks at once. The important part is to set realistic expectations and deadlines. Also, know that you will pay higher rates for people who are skilled in different areas.

What Is Outsource School?

outsource school

Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.

This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.

Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.

Schedule a free sales call to learn more

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We hope that these successful outsourcing examples have piqued your interest in outsourcing. Despite the risks, you can benefit greatly from outsourcing, especially with a partner who knows all the tricks and can help you be more successful at hiring smart.


Virtual Assistants

What Is Outsourced Accounting & How To Do It Successfully

outsourced accounting

Outsourced accounting Philippines – what is it, what’s the process and how can it benefit me and my business? 

We’ll answer all that and more here in this article. 

How Does Outsourced Accounting Work?

Outsourcing is hiring an outside entity, often a third party company, to perform a task for you. These can be front office, back office, and core tasks. 

Fun fact: A business can technically be 100% remote via outsourcing!

There are three main types of outsourcing:

  • Onshore Outsourcing – Also known as domestic outsourcing, this is when you hire within your country. 
  • Nearshore Outsourcing  – With this method, you hire an entity from a nearby country. 
  • Offshore Outsourcing – Similar to nearshore, a business hires a company from another farther country. For instance, instead of Brazil, a US company chooses the route of outsourcing accounting to the Philippines.

You can choose to hire through freelance marketplaces, freelance agencies, or accounting service providers.

Types of Outsourced Accounting Services

Bookkeeping Services

This service deals with the ins and outs of maintaining your books. These can be partial or full-service and can include catch-up or clean-up services. They can operate on a cash or accrual basis and can cover single or double entry bookkeeping systems. 

Financial Analysis and Reporting

Some services include reporting with their bookkeeping services. These are typically The Big 3 Statements (income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet). However, others charge a separate fee for additional in-depth reports and financial analysis services. They pair you up with an expert who can provide you with important business insights. This person helps you understand the short and long term impacts of certain business decisions. They may also help you strategize and plan your budgets.

Tax Preparation and Planning

Tax is one of the most popular reasons why people choose accounting outsourcing. From collecting all the necessary documents to ensuring you maximize tax deductions, it is a whole process. Their accountants can use their tax know-how and help you stay compliant. 

Auditing Services

Companies avail of this service if they want to conduct a financial investigation of their books. Here, someone will make sure that your business observes the proper practices and everything complies with current regulations. They also make sure everything is accurate and there is no shady activity like fraud happening.

Outsourcing vs In-House Accounting

A man in a suit sitting at a table thinking about outsourced accounting

Cost Comparison

We mentioned earlier that the cost of outsourcing accounting services is much less than in-house. 

According to, the average salary for a US accountant is around $60,000. In comparison, a freelance accountant costs $12-$52/hr depending on the level of skill you need. 

Time Savings

When you pair expert bookkeepers with years of experience, you get efficiency. You can free up yourself and other personnel to focus on other core business functions. Bookkeeping and tax prep is very time-consuming. Why not leave the busywork to someone else? They not only have the skills but even the passion to make sure your financial back-office is in order. 


We normally perform accounting on a monthly or quarterly cycle. If you only need reports monthly, it wouldn’t make sense to hire an in-house team. Accounting outsourcing makes more sense, especially when you only need their services every so often.

Choosing an Outsourced Accounting Service

Experience and Expertise

Consider how long they’ve been in the business. What degrees and certifications do they possess? 

Another thing you need to consider is whether they have experience with businesses in your industry and are similar in size. Specialized expertise is always a plus and proffered. 

Reputation and Reviews

Even if an agency or freelancer has worked with many companies, that doesn’t necessarily mean they do a good job. It’s best to hire a company that has a social proof system. Some freelance marketplaces have rating and review systems. This is the reason a lot of accounting service providers display reviews and client testimonies on the front pages of their websites. 

Additionally, you can ask someone you know to recommend an accounting service they’ve tried. This way you have someone closer who can give you honest first-hand feedback.

Pricing and Payment Options

The best outsourced accounting options are those that are flexible. A multimillion-dollar company will have different needs than a local business. You want a partner that can cater to your bookkeeping needs. Why outsource accounting if you’re paying for services you’re not using? These plans should be flexible and able to scale together with your business. 

Advantages of Outsourced Accounting Services

A man giving the thumbs up on outsourced accounting


DIY bookkeeping and accounting is great in the beginning. However, this changes as your business begins to scale. You’ll start noticing that accounting and bookkeeping tasks will siphon a lot of your time. 

Expertise and Experience

Some people ask “Why outsource accounting when I can do it myself?” While you don’t need a degree to be an accountant, there’s a reason it’s a college course. You need the right amount of knowledge and skill to do proper accounting. There is a lot of information you need to learn from GAAP guidelines to local, federal, and tax laws. Even then, real world practice is another story. When you hire someone who already has both, you are setting yourself up for success. Not only can they do their work more accurately, but they can also catch errors quickly. They know exactly how to solve problems as they arise, whereas you may need to troubleshoot to find a solution. 

Cost Savings – An in-house team will cost significantly more than the cost of outsourcing accounting services. Aside from salary, you need to consider other costs such as worker benefits, cost of tools or software, and other overheads. 

Access to Advanced Technology

Accounting agencies typically already have the software, tools, and infrastructure in place to do their jobs with excellence. 

Disadvantages of Outsourced Accounting Services

Lack of Control

When you outsource anything, you are giving up some measure of control. While you can schedule check-ups and updates, it is much harder to manage quality. This is why it’s essential to choose a company with an exemplary track record that inspires trust. 

Security Concerns

Another concern people have is the security of their data. A lot of people worry about handing over sensitive financial data to another party. 

This is why a lot of these services include security guarantees on their websites. They go into details about their data privacy measures because they know this is a major consideration. 

The risk of data breach is significantly lower when choosing these companies. 

However, the risk is still there. Those who believe that can protect their data better than these entities may be a lot more hesitant.

Best Practices for Working with an Outsourced Accounting Service Provider

outsourced accounting

Set Expectations

Create an exhaustive list of tasks you need accomplished. It’s always better to over explain and leave no room for misunderstanding. Always set the expectations during the onboarding process so they are fully aware of the entire scope of the work. 

Be Upfront

Remember, your accounting team is a partner. You should be honest about your books, otherwise they can’t help you. If you’re behind on your books and need catch-up work, let them know. 

Schedule Check-ins

Make sure to have regular updates with your accounting and bookkeeping team. Establish a mode of communication early on and discuss specific times to meet. 

How to Get Started with Outsourcing Your Accounting Services

Based on Ecombalance’s “5 Steps to Outsource Your Bookkeeping and Accounting Without Headaches” we recommend these 5 steps:

  1. Define Your Ideal Outcome
  2. Research Bookkeepers and Accountants
  3. Choose the Best One For Your Business
  4. Stay Focused Through the Integration Process
  5. Provide Feedback in the First 3 Months

Frequently Asked Questions about Outsourced Accounting Services

A cork board with pins and yarn connecting frequently asked questions.

Is it safe to share financial data with an outsourced accounting service provider?

As long as you hire from reputable companies who have security certifications, you should be okay. Make sure they have

  • Digital measures like encryption
  • Physical security to protect their data servers
  • Clear accountability to the authorities for potential mismanagement of data 

How do I select a reliable outsourced accounting service provider?

Research to find a consensus on which ones are the best and weigh the pros and cons of each. 

You can also check out our article on the top 11 bookkeeping and accounting services for growing businesses. 

Can outsourced accounting services help small businesses and startups?

Absolutely! The great thing about these services is their scalability. No matter the size, you can find a solution that works for you.  

What level of expertise and qualifications can be expected from an outsourced accounting team?

These individuals have likely undergone formal education, continued learning, training and certifications.

What Is Outsource School?

outsource school

Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.

This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.

Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.

Schedule a free sales call to learn more

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If you’re looking for an affordable, efficient, and effective financial management solution, outsourced accounting might be the way to go.


Virtual Assistants

Offshoring vs Outsourcing: Definitions, Differences, Pros & Cons

A smiling woman at her laptop desk learning about offshoring vs outsourcing.

Offshoring vs outsourcing, what’s the difference? Do you need to expand your business operations but don’t know which can serve your needs?

In this post, we are going to define these terms, discuss their differences, and go through the pros and cons. By the end, we hope that you will be encouraged by this knowledge and able to make an educated decision. 

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing refers to the process of hiring an entity outside of your own business to perform a business task or operation. This entity can be a separate company within your city, within the country, near the country, or even internationally. What is being outsourced can include core or non-core processes, front office or back office, and long-term or short-term operations. Outsourcing core business operations is referred to as BPO (business process outsourcing). Hiring remote workers to perform tasks within your company can also be called outsourcing. 

What is Offshoring?

If outsourcing is handing off a process to a different company, offshoring is changing the country in which a process is performed. Offshoring can be when a parent company moves a process overseas for a subsidiary to perform. In some instances, a company can move personnel out of the main company and station them in the offshore location. 

Knowing the difference between offshoring vs outsourcing can get a little tricky. That’s why a little later on in this article we will give you points that distinguish the two. 

What is Offshore Outsourcing?

What do we get when we combine both definitions of outsourcing vs offshoring? We get a business that hires individuals, teams, or entire companies from overseas to perform certain business operations. This is done through offshore product manufacturing or service providers. These entities operate similarly to outsourced third-party companies. However, they typically perform much more comprehensive roles and their scope of work is generally much larger. 

Differences Between Outsourcing vs. Offshoring

Squares of paper with different colors.


When you outsource, you hire freelancers or independent contractors to perform a task or process for a specified number of years. You then renew the contract as needed. These entities don’t receive worker benefits from you. 

When you offshore to a subsidiary or a smaller part of the company that you own, you are still working with your hires. These workers receive pay plus worker benefits, such as healthcare, vacation days, transport, etc. 


With outsourcing, you give an external company the details and trust in its processes and procedures for the output. You can negotiate the number of times you receive updates, but your control over the quality is limited. 

With offshoring, you have more control because you are maintaining the same SOPs. The offshore branch can then perform the tasks the exact way you specify them to do. You can give your input at any time whereas that may not be possible always with outsourcing.

Now let’s compare outsourcing vs offshoring pros and cons.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing

As stated in our outsourcing pros and cons article, there are three key pros to outsourcing.

Cost Savings 

With outsourcing, you can save on employment costs. You don’t have to pay employment tax or benefits. Not only that, but labor can be cheaper in other countries because of the lower cost of living. You can save by hiring only on a per-project or part-time basis. This way, you are only paying for the hours they are working. 

Larger Talent Pool

Your choices can be limited in your home country. There are a lot of skilled individuals in popular outsourcing countries like India, The Philippines, and China. A lot of the time you can get the same and even better quality for a generally lower rate. 

Able to Be Completely Remote 

You can outsource practically anything. Commonly outsourced tasks include marketing, customer service, SEO, and content writing. You could technically outsource any business process and be a completely remote business. 

A freelancer's laptop on a table at a remote location learning about offshoring vs outsourcing.

Other pros include:


You can expand your business temporarily during high-volume sales periods and shrink it again during the rest of the year. You can hire per project, per hour, part-time, or full-time. In comparing offshoring vs outsourcing, we’d say outsourcing gives you more flexibility. 

Free Up Staff

Outsourcing allows you to focus on the core aspects of your business while handing over the busy work to a remote team. 

Though outsourcing has quite a few pros, it also has a few cons. 

Remote Communication Issues

Managing a virtual team can be difficult, especially in the area of communication. You might struggle to get used to online meetings and scheduling them can be even harder because of our next con.

Time Zones

A man looking at his watch in front of a laptop learning about offshoring vs outsourcing.

While time zones can be beneficial, they can also be challenging. If you need emergency work done but your remote worker is asleep, it can put a pause on the process. 

Cultural Barriers

Sometimes it’s hard to communicate because of cultural differences. You need to train and onboard remote hires to get them used to your culture and practices.

Pros and Cons of Offshoring

A lot of the outsourcing vs offshoring pros and cons are similar.

Cost Savings 

With offshoring, you also benefit from lower labor costs. While it may not be as low as outsourcing, salaries for workers in other countries can be comparatively lower. Benefits packages and such are also much cheaper. Lower labor costs can mean lower production costs. Saving money is making money. 

Wide Talent Pool

Same with outsourcing, offshoring also gives you access to more individuals with a lot of quality abilities to offer your company. 

Country Benefits

Some countries have certain tax benefits and incentives to attract foreign companies. Popular offshoring locations also have less strict regulations, making it enticing to conduct business there. It’s a win-win for both the countries and companies.

Time Zones 

One of the offshoring vs outsourcing examples of the pros of time zones is how much more work you can do. Think about it, you can work on a project during your country’s work hours and then hand it off to the subsidiary to work on even after you clock out. 

What about the cons of offshoring? 

Communication and Cultural Barriers

Even if you hire from English-speaking countries, expressions, cultures, and customs can be different. Proficiency and usage of English in certain situations may also be different. Misunderstandings can occur if you are not aware of these. 

Quality Control

Sometimes, even when using the same ingredients, a product can taste different when manufactured in different countries and factories. Guidelines and SOPs help, but the same amount of quality control can be challenging to maintain. 

Potential for Layoffs

You can use offshoring to reduce the load of work in the main company. Sometimes, though, companies do it because they can’t afford in-house workers. Lower labor costs can be tempting, and unfortunately, this makes some employers want to switch over at the expense of their local team and local economy.  

Delayed Response

The cons of time zones also apply here. It may be hard to manage workflows when dealing with two sets of working hours. 

Tips for choosing between offshoring and outsourcing

A man standing up teaching a seated group tips about offshoring vs outsourcing.

Identify the time required for the service

Whatever avenue you go, you should consider your timelines. 


  • How long it will take reasonably take to accomplish the task
  • Milestones and deadlines
  • Time set aside for meetings, updates, and unexpected hiccups 

Determine the amount of preferred control

In terms of control when talking about outsourcing vs offshoring, the typical order of most to least control is offshoring, offshore outsourcing, and outsourcing.

It is worth noting that there are some outsourcing companies out there that do give you as much control as possible. However, most companies cannot give that guarantee if they are working with multiple companies at once. Having to check in every day or every other day would take time out of working on other projects. You can give them the rundown, but they typically work independently using internal processes and procedures.

Offshoring allows you to be more hands-on but with a remote team. You have more control and information on the process itself, meaning you have more control of the product’s quality. 

Offshore outsourcing services kind of work like a sanctioned third-party integration. They can serve you more comprehensively than your typical outsourced freelancer or team. They still have their processes in place, but it can be much easier to communicate with them.

Consider confidentiality

Every company considering outsourcing vs offshoring needs to ask themselves: “How much trust can I put in this third-party entity?”

Always outsource from entities who have experience working with other companies. That way you can check their work history, and reviews, and sometimes see the quality of the work for yourself. 

Do these companies have a good reputation? Do they have privacy guarantees in place? 

Offshoring to a subsidiary may be the most data-secure method of handing off a process. You can keep product and service information close. 

Decide how quickly you need the service

Every project has a deadline. Business is always moving and the less time you have to complete a task, the better. You need to consider:

“Are you able to deliver on your project on schedule?”

“Can a subsidiary, offshore service provider, or outsourced team do it better?”

“Which one can deliver it quicker without compromising on quality?”

With offshoring, you need to consider the time it takes to transfer the process. You need to contact your subsidiary, inform them of the process they will be handling, and equip them to accomplish it. This takes time. Quality output may not be immediately evident. 

You can hand the task over to a team or service provider with the personnel, experience, and equipment to perform the task much faster. Whether it is outsourced or offshore outsourced depends on the depth of the assignment.

Frequently Asked Questions

A cork board with pins and yarn connecting frequently asked questions.

Does outsourcing or offshoring ever work?

Absolutely, Outsource School was built with the help of outsourced talent. Whether you outsource or offshore, it’s an excellent way to save money and scale your business. 

What is an example of offshore outsourcing?

When talking about offshoring vs outsourcing examples, customer service and manufacturing come to mind. As long as you do not operate a physical location, customer service can be purely remote. You can hire a CS offshore service provider. A lot of companies outsource to offshore white-label product manufacturers to cut down on costs and scale their production. 

What is nearshoring, and what are the pros and cons?

Nearshoring is hiring from countries near your own. Universal Cargo has a great post on the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

What Is Outsource School?

outsource school

Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.

This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.

Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.

Schedule a free sales call to learn more

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Near, far, wherever you are, you can believe that a remote team can benefit your company. It’s not always easy, but if you want to cut down costs or access more talent, you can’t go wrong with either option. 

Offshoring vs outsourcing comes down to:

  • The depth of the work
  • Where you want to cut costs
  • If you prefer in-house workers or contractual hires