Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight: Enhance Productivity in Remote Work Settings with Liam Martin from Time Doctor

Hey, thanks for tuning in to another Partner Spotlight interview at OutsourceSchool.

My name is Connor Gillivan. I’m the CMO and an Owner of Outsource School.

We’re on a mission to help 10,000+ business owners master hiring virtual assistants and freelancers, and industry partnerships is a big way that we’re able to make it happen.

We’re all about creating win-win partnerships where we are able to grow with other companies in the eCommerce, agency, SAAS, and online space.

In this exclusive interview, we interview Liam Martin from Time Doctor.

Liam Martin is the co-founder and CMO of Time Doctor and — one of the most popular time tracking and productivity software platforms in use by top brands today. He is also a co-organizer of the Running Remote Conference.

We hope that you enjoy the interview and that it brings value to you as an agency business owner. 


Connor: Hey Liam, thanks for taking the time to chat with us here. We love getting to know our partners better so that our community can benefit from what our partners are offering and doing in the industry. To get started, can you give us a high level overview of Time Doctor and how it got started? 


Liam: Hi, it’s a pleasure to be here. At its core, Time Doctor is all about fostering productivity and efficiency in the remote work landscape. It’s a platform that allows companies and individuals to monitor and manage their time, creating a more focused, effective, and balanced work-from-home environment.


The genesis of Time Doctor was from personal experience. My co-founder and I were managing remote teams and encountered the challenges that came with it, such as tracking productivity and maintaining work-life balance. We realized that there were gaps in the market for effective tools that addressed these issues. So, we set out to build a solution that would not only help us but also assist countless other businesses navigating the remote work terrain.


From those early days, Time Doctor has grown into a comprehensive platform, committed to facilitating successful remote work experiences for teams around the world. Our primary goal is to keep enhancing the way people and organizations operate remotely, providing the tools for businesses to thrive in this new world of work.


Connor: Love that! Can you dive a bit more into the employee-friendly time tracking products and services that you provide? I’m sure our audience would love to know exactly what problems you could solve for them. 


Liam: Surely! Time Doctor is designed with a respect for employee autonomy and privacy in mind. Our time-tracking platform allows employees control over when they’re tracked, and they can view their own data, which can help improve productivity patterns and work-life balance.


We offer features like website and application tracking, optional screenshots, and detailed reporting. This helps in identifying productivity bottlenecks, streamlining workflows, and ensuring team alignment.


Not only do we help improve productivity and accountability, but we also integrate with various project management tools for a more unified experience. Our main goal is to provide an employee-friendly platform that aids effective communication and productivity in remote work settings.


Connor: Jumping off of that…if there was one problem you’d say that Time Doctor solves best for your clients, what would it be? Why? 


Liam: I’d say the most critical problem Time Doctor solves is enhancing productivity in remote work settings. Remote work offers many benefits, but it also brings challenges such as distractions, inefficiencies, and lack of visibility.


Time Doctor addresses this by providing comprehensive insights into how work hours are spent, allowing both managers and employees to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. It encourages transparency and accountability, promoting a more efficient and focused workflow.


Moreover, it helps create a balance between ensuring productivity and maintaining employee autonomy, which is key to a healthy and successful remote work environment. In essence, Time Doctor facilitates a harmonious and productive remote work ecosystem, which is especially crucial in today’s digital age.


Connor: As the company continues to grow over the next year, what are your plans for expansion? Any new products or offerings or enhancements to your current products? 


Liam: Long term we see time as the least important part of Time Doctor ironically. 


Connor: And how specifically would you say that Time Doctor and your team is different from other similar businesses in the industry?


Liam: We’re constantly focused on evolving with the needs of the remote work landscape, and our roadmap for the next year reflects this commitment.


One key area of focus is developing deeper integrations with widely-used productivity and project management tools. Our aim is to create an even more seamless experience for our users, where they can track time, manage tasks, and analyze productivity all within their favorite tools.


Furthermore, we’re looking into enhancements in our reporting and analytics. We’re working on incorporating more advanced data analysis, to offer our clients a greater degree of insight into their work patterns and productivity trends. This will enable more informed decision-making and proactive adjustments to enhance team efficiency.


We’re also excited to be developing features that focus on employee well-being, recognizing that a healthy work-life balance is crucial to long-term productivity. The idea is to provide employees with tools to better manage their workload, mitigate burnout, and maintain a healthy balance while working remotely.


Overall, our growth plan hinges on continually refining and expanding our offerings to meet the evolving needs of the remote work world, helping companies and their employees thrive in this environment.


Connor: What’s your outsourcing story? We find that everyone has a different experience when outsourcing and hiring online. What is your first memory that comes to mind?


Liam: My first significant experience with outsourcing was when my co-founder and I were building our previous company. We had a small team and a lot of tasks that needed doing. To grow efficiently, we decided to outsource some of our work to talent across the globe.


The first memory that comes to mind was hiring a developer from the Philippines. We were impressed by the abundance of talent available and the potential for cost savings. However, as time passed, we noticed some tasks were taking longer than anticipated. There were issues of productivity and communication that we hadn’t considered thoroughly at the outset.


We realized that managing a remote team came with its unique set of challenges – you can’t walk over to someone’s desk to check in, and it’s harder to gauge how work is progressing. That’s when we recognized the need for a tool that could help manage and monitor remote work effectively, which eventually led us to create Time Doctor.


This journey was a learning curve for us. We made mistakes, we learned, and we used those lessons to build something that could solve the very problems we experienced. Our own challenges with outsourcing became the catalyst for a solution that now helps many other companies manage their remote teams efficiently.


Connor: Love it! Talking more about outsourcing, what advice would you give to yourself if you were just about to start outsourcing and hiring online? 


Liam: If I could go back and give myself advice at the start of our outsourcing journey, I would focus on these key points:


Clear Communication: Ensure you have clear and concise communication systems in place. Misunderstandings can lead to lost time and resources, so make sure your instructions are easy to understand and leave little room for interpretation.


Define Expectations: Clearly outline your expectations for each task or project. This includes deadlines, quality of work, and the communication you expect throughout the process.


Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of cultural differences and time zones. It’s important to show respect for your team’s holidays, work hours, and cultural nuances.


Use the Right Tools: Invest in effective project management and time tracking tools. These will help you stay organized, keep track of progress, and ensure productivity.


Build Relationships: Treat your outsourced team members with the same respect and consideration as you would in-house employees. Build strong relationships based on mutual trust and respect.


Lastly: Check out and our book ‘Running Remote’ which goes over all these tips and more!


Outsourcing can be a powerful tool for business growth, but it requires a thoughtful approach and careful management to be truly effective.


Connor: How about this one…how do you communicate with the people you hire online? What’s your best practices there and how has it changed over time? 


Liam: Communication with remote teams requires deliberate effort and strategy. Over time, we’ve developed a few best practices:


Regular Check-ins: We hold weekly check-ins to discuss tasks, progress, and any issues that may have arisen. This creates a consistent forum for open dialogue and ensures everyone is aligned and informed.


Asynchronous Communication: We appreciate that we’re working across different time zones, so we encourage asynchronous communication. This respects individual work rhythms and allows for thoughtful responses.


Effective Tools: We leverage tools like Slack for instant communication, email for non-urgent updates, and video conferencing tools for face-to-face interaction. Time Doctor comes in handy for managing work hours and productivity.


Clear Expectations: We aim to be clear about what, when, and how we communicate. Whether it’s which platform to use for what kind of updates or turnaround times for responses, setting these expectations helps streamline communication.


Building Relationships: We also focus on non-work interactions, hosting virtual team-building activities to build rapport and maintain a strong team culture.


Over time, we’ve learned that effective communication with remote teams isn’t just about staying updated on tasks—it’s about building relationships, fostering a shared culture, and maintaining the human element even when we’re working apart.


Connor: Finally, this is one that I think our community will love, who’s been your best online hire? What do they do for you? Why are they your best hire? Tell us all about them and that story!


Liam: Honestly, anybody who is a ‘self guided missile’ which is a core company value inside of our companies. Somebody who tells us what they did rather than asking us what to do is critical for success in our companies and the larger space of remote work in general. 


Connor: As we close this out, I just have one more question. Where is the best place to find and follow you and the company online? Also, if you have one, is there any special offer that you’ll be offering to the community today? 

Liam: For anything Time Doctor related go to You can pick up a free trial there.  For anything Running Remote related, go to  I’m @liamremote on all forms of social media. Go to where all of our talks are up there for free if you’d like to check that out as well.

Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight: Excel in Time Management with Brady Morgan of SINQ

Hey, thanks for tuning in to another Partner Spotlight interview at OutsourceSchool.

My name is Connor Gillivan. I’m the CMO and an Owner of Outsource School.

We’re on a mission to help 10,000+ business owners master hiring virtual assistants and freelancers, and industry partnerships is a big way that we’re able to make it happen.

We’re all about creating win-win partnerships where we are able to grow with other companies in the eCommerce, agency, SAAS, and online space.

In this exclusive interview, we interview Brady Morgan of  SINQ (former VA Staffing Agency – VASA).

Brady Morgan is the founder of SINQ which provides access to the best global talent in emerging markets and helps enterprise companies cost-efficiently scale back-office tasks.

Brady has a background in finance having worked in both investment banking and healthcare. His hobbies include reading, working out, playing golf, and spending time with his wife and two sons.

We hope that you enjoy the interview and that it brings value to you as an agency business owner. 


Connor: Hey Brady, thanks for taking the time to chat with us here. We love getting to know our partners better so that our community can benefit from what our partners are offering and doing in the industry. To get started, can you give us a high level overview of SINQ and how it got started? 


Brady: Sure, I’d be delighted to. SINQ is a dedicated virtual assistant staffing service, focusing on providing high-quality remote staff to businesses worldwide. The agency was born out of the realization that a large number of businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, were struggling with time and task management. By providing reliable, trained, and professional virtual assistants, SINQ aims to fill this gap, improving operational efficiency and enabling businesses to focus on strategic goals. This service has been a game-changer for numerous companies by simplifying their staffing needs and promoting growth.


Connor: Love that! Can you dive a bit more into the staffing services you provide? I’m sure our audience would love to know exactly what problems you could solve for them. 


Brady: Absolutely! SINQ offers a wide range of services, addressing various business needs. This includes general administrative tasks like email management, scheduling, and customer service. Additionally, we provide specialized services such as social media management, content creation, SEO, and digital marketing strategy. For businesses requiring industry-specific support, we have virtual assistants with backgrounds in fields like real estate, legal services, and accounting. Our aim is to help companies offload routine tasks, free up valuable time, and let them focus on their core competencies, strategic planning, and growth.


Connor: Jumping off of that…if there was one problem you’d say that SINQ solves best for your clients, what would it be? Why? 


Brady: SINQ excels at solving the challenge of time management for its clients. Regardless of the industry or size of the business, one common problem they face is the inability to focus on strategic initiatives due to time-consuming routine tasks. Our virtual assistants take over these tasks, freeing up valuable time for business owners and managers. This allows them to focus more on revenue-generating activities, strategic planning, and overall business growth. By acting as an extended part of the team, we help businesses optimize their operations, reduce overhead costs, and ultimately become more efficient and profitable.


Connor: As the company continues to grow over the next year, what are your plans for expansion? Any new products or offerings or enhancements to your current services? 


Brady: In the coming year, SINQ plans to broaden its services by integrating more specialized roles into its offering. This means not only providing general virtual assistant services but also diversifying into areas like data analysis, project management, and advanced digital marketing. Additionally, we’re exploring the development of a proprietary platform to streamline the process of matching businesses with the right virtual assistants, aiming to make it more efficient and personalized. Our focus remains on continuous learning and training for our VAs, ensuring they stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies, thereby providing the best possible service to our clients.


Connor: And how specifically would you say that SINQ and your team is different from other similar businesses in the industry?


Brady: What sets SINQ apart from others in the industry is our personalized approach and commitment to quality. We understand that each business has unique needs, and we take the time to match clients with virtual assistants who not only have the right skill sets, but also align with their company culture and business ethos. Furthermore, our rigorous recruitment process ensures we select only top-tier talent. We invest heavily in the continuous training and development of our virtual assistants, ensuring they stay abreast of the latest tools and industry trends. This focus on quality and personalization helps us deliver superior service and build long-term relationships with our clients.


Connor: What’s your outsourcing story? We find that everyone has a different experience when outsourcing and hiring online. What is your first memory that comes to mind?


Brady: In the early stages of my entrepreneurial career, I found myself overwhelmed with managing all aspects of the operations. The decision to outsource was borne out of necessity, driven by the need to reclaim time and refocus on the core tasks that would grow my business. My first experience with outsourcing was a revelation – it was incredible to see how tasks could be executed efficiently by a dedicated remote team. This shift in operations led to a significant increase in productivity and ultimately, business growth. In retrospect, I often find myself wishing I had started outsourcing sooner.


Connor: Love it! Talking more about outsourcing, what advice would you give to yourself if you were just about to start outsourcing and hiring online? 


Brady: If I were to give advice to someone just starting with outsourcing, I would suggest the following:


Define clear expectations: Before you start, have a clear understanding of the tasks you want to outsource, the level of expertise required, and your expectations regarding outcomes.


Choose the right partner: Whether it’s a freelance platform or a staffing agency like SINQ, make sure they have a solid reputation and positive reviews. The quality of your outsourced team can make or break your experience.


Communication is key: Set up regular check-ins and provide clear, concise instructions. Good communication can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your outsourced team.


Be patient: It might take a bit of time for your new team member to get up to speed. Provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed, and you’ll reap the benefits in the long run.


Review and reassess regularly: Regularly review the performance of your outsourced team. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to make changes.


Outsourcing can be a transformative step for your business, freeing up your time to focus on strategic initiatives and growth.


Connor: How about this one…how do you communicate with the people you hire online? What’s your best practices there and how has it changed over time? 


Brady: In terms of communication with remote teams or individuals hired online, it’s crucial to establish clear, consistent, and open lines of communication. Here are some best practices:


Use the Right Tools: Depending on the needs, you might use email, instant messaging platforms like Slack, or project management tools like Asana or Trello. Video conferencing tools like Zoom can also be effective for more personal interaction.


Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-ins to discuss progress, address any issues, and provide feedback. This could be daily, weekly, or bi-weekly depending on the nature of the work.


Clear Expectations: Clearly define tasks, deadlines, and expectations. The more specific you can be, the better.


Open Dialogue: Encourage open dialogue. Make it clear that they can ask questions or raise concerns at any time.


Positive Feedback: Don’t forget to acknowledge good work. Positive feedback can be a great motivator and helps to build a strong working relationship.


Over time, as remote work has become more common, these practices have become increasingly important. The use of digital tools has grown, and there’s been a shift towards more frequent, informal communication to help build rapport and maintain a sense of team cohesion in a remote work environment.


Connor: Finally, this is one that I think our community will love, who’s been your best online hire? What do they do for you? Why are they your best hire? Tell us all about them and that story!


Brady: The best online hire would be a virtual assistant named “Jane.” Initially hired to help with basic administrative tasks such as managing emails and scheduling, Jane quickly proved to be an invaluable asset. With her excellent communication skills and proactive attitude, she was able to identify potential issues before they became problems and suggest solutions, thereby saving time and resources.


Jane also had a knack for social media management and content creation. She helped improve the company’s online presence, leading to increased brand recognition and customer engagement. Jane’s initiative, combined with her broad skill set, had a positive impact on the business, far beyond her initial role.


This story highlights that the best hires are often those who not only excel in their given tasks but also demonstrate initiative, adaptability, and a keen desire to learn and grow. It also emphasizes the potential value and versatility of virtual assistants and online hires.


Connor: As we close this out, I just have one more question. Where is the best place to find and follow you and the company online? Also, if you have one, is there any special offer that you’ll be offering to the community today? 


Brady: Absolutely! You can find us online at our website,, where you can learn more about our services, read client testimonials, and keep up-to-date with our latest news. We’re also active on various social media platforms, so feel free to connect with us there for regular updates and insights.


As for our special offer, we’re excited to extend a discount on our management fee exclusively for the Outsource School community. When reaching out to us, just mention that you’re coming from Outsource School to avail of this special offer. We’re looking forward to partnering with you and supporting your business growth!

Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight: Maximize Your Investments and Achieve Your Business Goals with Mary Zargarian – Zargarian Consulting

Hey, thanks for tuning in to another Partner Spotlight interview at OutsourceSchool.

My name is Connor Gillivan. I’m the CMO and an Owner of Outsource School.

We’re on a mission to help 10,000+ business owners master hiring virtual assistants and freelancers, and industry partnerships is a big way that we’re able to make it happen.

We’re all about creating win-win partnerships where we are able to grow with other companies in the eCommerce, agency, SAAS, and online space.


In this exclusive interview, we interview Mary Zargarian from Zargarian Consulting.



Connor: Hey Mary, thanks for taking the time to chat with us here. We love getting to know our partners better so that our community can benefit from what our partners are offering and doing in the industry. To get started, can you give us a high level overview of Zargarian Consulting and how it got started? 


Mary: Zargarian Consulting helps organizations be more effective towards their big goals by transforming with innovative technology, scalable business processes and high-performing teams. My background is in corporate human resources, focusing on helping leaders and organizations do this very thing. Now, we take the same methodologies and approach to SMBs and Non-profit organizations who may or may not have had the access to resources and support to do these things in-house.


Connor: Love that! Can you dive a bit more into how you help transform organizations with innovative technology, scalable business processes and high-performing teams? I’m sure our audience would love to know exactly what problems you could solve for them. 


Mary: Absolutely! We begin by gaining a crystal-clear understanding of a client’s organizational objectives. Are they seeking to enhance innovation without expanding their workforce? Perhaps they’re entering a growth phase and need to ensure seamless scalability. Or maybe they’re aiming to resolve existing issues that are hindering progress. These are just a few examples of what we can explore together. We then delve into various aspects of their business, including organizational structure, business processes, system utilization, and the culture they foster for their teams to flourish. If there is any misalignment between their goals and current status, that’s when we roll up our sleeves and collaborate with our clients to drive change.


Connor: Jumping off of that…if there was one problem you’d say that Zargarian Consulting solves best for your clients, what would it be? Why? 


Mary: I believe it’s about maximizing the investments a business has already made to achieve their intended goals. Frequently, clients have the necessary tools and personnel in place to accomplish significant feats, but they fail to fully utilize these resources. Consequently, they end up with underutilized tools, redundant efforts, and confusion regarding roles within the organization. This creates a vicious cycle of unproductive meetings, busy work, and a sense that additional personnel and systems are required to resolve issues.


Connor: As the company continues to grow over the next year, what are your plans for expansion? Any new products or offerings or enhancements to your current products? 


Mary: It took us a little while to get to the point of clarity we are at with our market and our offers. Now, it’s a matter of building up brand awareness with who we are and what we do. 


We just launched a new (and dare we say free) online community for service professionals so we can all support each other through the work that we do. I’m a huge believer in enabling others to do amazing things and this is our way to encourage that type of communal support. Later this year our vision for the membership is to have a paid tier that allows access to trainings, templates, and other valuable resources.


We are also about to open up public workshops focused on leadership development and team effectiveness on topics like Personal Influence, Conflict Management, and Collaborative Connections to name a few. This is already something that we are working with clients on behind the scenes to offer to their teams. Now, we’ll be hosting these for the public to sign up for an upcoming session for their own professional development.


Connor: And how specifically would you say that Zargarian Consulting and your team is different from other similar businesses in the industry?


Mary: Often for the type of work that we do, corporations turn to the big McKinsey and Deloitte consulting firms. These organizations have large global teams that do heavy research and come with a hefty pricetag, making them inaccessible and disconnected from the SMB and non-profit markets we serve. Smaller organizations that offer what we do are often coaches who have done a lot of work around individual or small group leadership development, but don’t always have the business process, systems, and consultative approach that we do.


One of our strengths is that we can meet a business where they are at. We won’t throw out huge, crazy change recommendations for an organization that is burned out by change. We won’t recommend system migrations and alot of investment if they have tools today that can be optimized for their growing needs. This approach is what our clients say they love about us – and why many of them are coming back as repeat relationships!


Connor: What’s your outsourcing story? We find that everyone has a different experience when outsourcing and hiring online. What is your first memory that comes to mind?


Mary: At this point last year I was running my business as an operations agency and my whole team of 8 were all contractors. Each of them were running their own freelance businesses and serving other clients in addition to our work. Today, my team are still contractors and although I have condensed the team to meet our new priorities, I still believe in the power of intrapreneurship – having a team of entrepreneurs helping me co-create a business with that spirit.


With the way the world is changing and typical corporate roles are being let go left and right, I see this as a prime opportunity for our team to help organizations reevaluate their org design and adapt with the change.


Connor: Love it! Talking more about outsourcing, what advice would you give to yourself if you were just about to start outsourcing and hiring online? 


Mary: Do it! Look for that spirit and drive in someone just as much as the experience and skillset to do the work. That innate quality in someone to be curious, dig in and look for a different way to solve a problem is what will ultimately give you relief with the tasks you are looking to delegate. 


Connor: How about this one…how do you communicate with the people you hire online? What’s your best practices there and how has it changed over time? 


Mary: When I first started with my team, I wanted anything and everything to be in our project management tool. I fought the need for Slack for a while because I had so much negative baggage associated with it from my corporate days. One team member suggested we give it a go and I’m glad I listened. It’s given us a platform to get each other’s attention on work.


I have Zapier integrating Slack with our CRM and project management systems so they are all working together in one amazing ecosystem. Now when a new inquiry comes into the CRM, it’s announced on slack in our #new-leads channel. Then when a contract is signed a new channel specific to that client is automatically set up, as well as a client project folder and account management project in our ClickUp tool. It saves us so much time and we know exactly where to go to work together for each client.


Connor: Finally, this is one that I think our community will love, who’s been your best online hire? What do they do for you? Why are they your best hire? Tell us all about them and that story!


Mary: Oh wow, there have been a few of them but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my right-hand consultant that’s still with me, Maia. Maia reached out to me following a spotlight I received as an Online Business Manager to watch in 2022. We had a great conversation about what she does and how she could potentially be someone that I could have as a primary consultant for clients. 


The business has evolved over the past year, but she’s been right there with me through that evolution – providing me feedback along the way as well as asking for feedback. Her willingness to learn and adapt and talk through all ideas big and small with me has made us a great team.


Connor: As we close this out, I just have one more question. Where is the best place to find and follow you and the company online? Also, if you have one, is there any special offer that you’ll be offering to the community today? 


Mary: You can find us on LinkedIn at or at Our website is and where you can also find out more information about our new community and soon-to-be upcoming workshops. Looking for a more personal side of being a service provider? Then you’ll want to head on over to Instagram at

Join the email list and get early access and pricing to our new workshops. We’re so excited to be releasing them very soon! You can sign up over at

Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight: Activate, Empower and Monetize your Business with Melanie Benson

Hey, thanks for tuning in to another Partner Spotlight interview at OutsourceSchool.

My name is Connor Gillivan. I’m the CMO and an Owner of Outsource School.

We’re on a mission to help 10,000+ business owners master hiring virtual assistants and freelancers, and industry partnerships is a big way that we’re able to make it happen.

We’re all about creating win-win partnerships where we are able to grow with other companies in the eCommerce, agency, SAAS, and online space.


Connor: Hey Melanie, thanks for taking the time to chat with us here. We love getting to know our partners better so that our community can benefit from what our partners are offering and doing in the industry. To get started, can you give us a high-level overview of how you got started?


Melanie: Thanks for inviting me. In 2000, I left my corporate job at a Fortune 500 company to be a full time business coach but it definitely wasn’t an easy transition. Even though I was trained as a coach, I did not have a solid business growth strategy in place.


After many sleepless nights and a lot of stressful moments, my business got a lot more traction when I got on stages with a magnetic message. Back then I focused on helping entrepreneurs with how to stop feeling that paralyzing business growth overwhelm by building a lifestyle-first business.


Connor: Love that! Can you dive a bit more into the 7- Step Proven Framework to leverage other people’s audiences? I’m sure our audience would love to know exactly what problems you could solve for them.


Melanie: My 7 Step Framework emerged during those early years when I felt invisible to ideal clients. Once I got better at sharing “results” and stopped preaching the “coaching process” my business grew exponentially into the mid six figures rather quickly.


Three of the important factors in this framework are leveraging YOUR unique superpower, developing a magnetic message, then aligning with collaboration partners who open doors to new audiences. When all 7 factors are working together, it’s easier to build a profitable business.


Connor: Jumping off of that…if there was one problem you’d say that Melanie Benson solves best for your clients, what would it be? Why?


Melanie: I show experts who feel like a best-kept secret how to lean into their superpowers and transform it into their Unique Sales Advantage – and then IGNITE more impact, income and influence by being visible, consistently, where your best potential clients are searching for you.


I use proven growth strategies along with a variety of mindset tools and alignment techniques to help my clients attain a 3 – 5 times revenue increase in our first 6 months together.

Connor: As the company continues to grow over the next year, what are your plans for expansion? Any new products or offerings or enhancements to your current products?


Melanie: I’m in a simplify to multiply stage – my Guest Expert System and IGNITE Mastermind are powerful for the right expert-based entrepreneurs – and we are now focusing on growing Collaboration Currency to expand our reach.


One really amazing growth area is integrating even more unique tools like Human Design to help our clients uncover and amplify their unique message and offerings.


Connor: And how specifically would you say that you and your team is different from other similar coaches in the industry?


Melanie: One simple answer – I have a long, proven track record of helping my impact-driven and trailblazing clients shatter their perceived limits. From the internal recoding of limiting beliefs to elevating their business potential beyond what they believed they could achieve, my clients who do the work and implement get great results.


Connor: What’s your outsourcing story? We find that everyone has a different experience when outsourcing and hiring online. What is your first memory that comes to mind?


Melanie: In 2001, I got clear on my growth strategy, and also realized there was way more to do than I could ever accomplish on my own. One of my superpowers in my corporate days was inspiring other people to work together to accomplish crazy big goals in record time.


That was when I realized if I wanted to grow faster, I needed to outsource and delegate to virtual assistants and other experts so I could invest my time and talent in the tasks ONLY I could do. I did not know how to pay for this support at first, I just knew I “had” to get support if I wanted to grow.


Within 9 months of hiring my first virtual assistant, my revenue exploded into 6 figures and it just kept growing (and I kept hiring support) for several years in a row.


Connor: Love it! Talking more about outsourcing, what advice would you give to yourself if you were just about to start outsourcing and hiring online?


Melanie: First, outsource the activities that free you up to make more money. If you look at the ROI, you’ll quickly see that you can quickly double or even triple your investment in the right team.


Then, as you continue to grow your business, you may find yourself a bottleneck. Don’t be afraid to delegate ownership of a role and train your team to make decisions on your behalf.


Connor: How about this one…how do you communicate with the people you hire online? What’s your best practices there and how has it changed over time?


Melanie: As technology has improved, we’ve evolved our internal systems and communication procedures. I’ve always hosted a weekly team meeting to go over priorities, talk through marketing campaigns and get updates from each team member on their deliverables. We now use a project management tool to keep track of campaigns and routine tasks – and Slack has become our new online communication tool.


Connor: Finally, this is one that I think our community will love, who’s been your best online hire? What do they do for you? Why are they your best hire? Tell us all about them and that story!


Melanie: The first OBM (Online Business Manager) that I ever hired was amazing. She handled things proactively and knew what to do before I did. She taught me how to delegate in a way that I was no longer a bottleneck – and set a gold standard for what it is like to hire someone who takes ownership of their role.


Connor: As we close this out, I just have one more question. Where is the best place to find and follow you and the company online? Also, if you have one, is there any special offer that you’ll be offering to the community today?


Melanie: You can find me on all of the social media platforms and my website is where you can find my podcast, Amplify Your Success, my on-demand courses and coaching programs like Guest Expert System. Since you mentioned the 7 Step Framework before, you’ll find that framework as a free downloadable resource on the main page of my website.






Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight: Gain Financial Freedom with Josh Pather from Photobooth International

Hey, thanks for tuning in to another Partner Spotlight interview at OutsourceSchool.

My name is Connor Gillivan. I’m the CMO and an Owner of Outsource School.

We’re on a mission to help 10,000+ business owners master hiring virtual assistants and freelancers, and industry partnerships is a big way that we’re able to make it happen.

We’re all about creating win-win partnerships where we are able to grow with other companies in the eCommerce, agency, SAAS, and online space.



Connor: Hey Josh, thanks for taking the time to chat with us here. We love getting to know our partners better so that our community can benefit from what our partners are offering and doing in the industry. To get started, can you give us a high level overview of Photo Booth International and how it got started? 


Josh: My name is Josh Pather, I am founder and CEO of Photo Booth International. We manufacture photo booths and sell them to people who want to start a successful photo booth rental business. We started as a photo booth rental company back in December of 2012. During this time I worked at a call center during the week but I also used to DJ on the weekends. One day, a friend and I went to a wedding and saw a photo booth for the first time and thought it would be a great addition to my DJ services so we decided to make our own.


After some brief research, we drove to Home Depot and spent $300 on all the materials. We made our first photo booth out of wood, we made the cut outs to fit the monitor, sanded it down, painted it black and spray painted the words “Photo Booth” in white on the side of it. We didn’t have a lot of money to invest in professional high end electronics so we went to Walmart to get our printer, computer and monitor. That first photo booth wasn’t perfect by any means. It was slow to print, the software was difficult to use, and the monitor wasn’t even a touch screen but it made us our first ten thousand dollars. We knew we were onto something so we did even more research and optimized our photo booth with better equipment and a better outer shell. 


Fast forward one year later, our fleet of photo booths quickly grew to 15 booths and we were booked out every single weekend. At this point I had already left my 9-5 job and was 100% invested in my photo booth rental business. My wife Jazmine even left her job to help me because I couldn’t handle all the bookings myself. Within the first two years of business, Photo Booth Dallas made over $1million dollars. It was so awesome to see that this was a profitable and high demand business. Everytime we went out to work the events, people always asked us “how can I get started doing this? It looks like a lot of fun”. This is when I realized that there was a demand for turnkey photo booth packages and that’s how Photo Booth International was born.


I launched Photo Booth International in 2015 and since then, we have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs and made over $18million in revenue. We were also named #63rd fastest growing company in Texas and #1239 fastest growing company in the country by INC 5000.


Connor: Love that! Can you dive a bit more into the photo booths and other services that you sell to entrepreneurs? I’m sure our audience would love to know exactly what problems you could solve for them.


Josh: We help people generate their own income and provide all the tools and resources they need to succeed, all in one place..

The majority of our customers are brand new to being entrepreneurs. Many of them are working a regular 9-5 during the week and want to make extra income doing something fun but that will be a great return on investment. We do also have customers that are already in the entertainment and wedding industry looking to add more services to generate even more revenue to their business.


We also offer a cutting edge online training platform, Photo Booth Sales University  where we teach business, finance, sales & marketing strategies so customers can grow their photo booth business & create generational wealth. 


Connor: Jumping off of that…if there was one problem you’d say that Photo Booth International solves best for your clients, what would it be? Why?


Josh: Many of our clients are looking to escape the rat race of their 9-5 job, seeking financial freedom. Starting a Photo Booth rental business gives them the opportunity to earn extra money while spending time with their family and loved ones. They can do this part-time or full-time. 


We do this by providing them a road map to a successful Photo Booth rental business. They get a PBI Global App, lifetime technical support, business resources and library, marketing photos and videos, sample contracts, event checklist, website templates, e-books, training videos and many more when they join Photo Booth International. These are the things I wish were available for me when I was starting in this industry that’s why I simplified this for our customers.


Connor: As the company continues to grow over the next year, what are your plans for expansion? Any new products or offerings or enhancements to your current products?


Josh: Yes, we are looking to expand and open a new office/showroom in Houston. We are also always designing new Photo Booths. One good thing about Photo Booth International is that we constantly look for a way to innovate and improve so you can expect that in the coming year. We also have Throne Chairs for sale that we just started selling. 


Connor: And how specifically would you say that Photo Booth International and your team is different from other similar businesses in the industry?


Josh: The main difference is that we really strive to provide all of the knowledge and resources that I didn’t have when I was running my own photo booth rental business. I learned a lot of things through trial and error and I want our customers to have a fast pass to success. This is why we provide a wide range of resources such as our PBI Global App where customers can find all the set-up videos, marketing content and business resources they need to get started. We also want to continue to support our customers as they begin to work events so we do a live monthly tech call where we answer their tech questions live. On top of all of that we also have guides on  How to Make their first $100K, we have tons of educational Youtube videos , we also have a healthy and helpful Facebook community. Aside from all of the resources we provide our customers, our team is 100% invested in helping make our customers dreams of being entrepreneurs come true. They go through training and Masterminds on a regular basis. Our team is extremely dedicated to seeing successful photo booth businesses take off. 


Connor: What’s your outsourcing story? We find that everyone has a different experience when outsourcing and hiring online. What is your first memory that comes to mind?


Josh: My first hire was a graphic artist that was just starting his VA career around 2015. He was inexpensive but we both didn’t really have any real knowledge of how we should really be optimizing our work together. I didn’t have any SOP’s in place nor did I qualify him enough beforehand to make sure he was the right fit for the job. Ultimately I let him go so it didn’t end up working in the long run but I sure did learn a lot about it. After that, I took what I learned and applied it to my next VA hire and the rest is history. Years later, Outsource School played a large role in helping me hire quality VA’s and I’m super grateful for it!


Connor: Love it! Talking more about outsourcing, what advice would you give to yourself if you were just about to start outsourcing and hiring online?


Josh: Take the time to write out SOP’s and follow a course like Outsource School that can help identify some of the things to keep in mind when outsourcing jobs. Don’t just hire anywhere. Find the right platform to outsource people. Look at freelancer’s profile reviews.


Connor: How about this one…how do you communicate with the people you hire online? What’s your best practices there and how has it changed over time?


Josh:  My biggest lesson has been to conduct a chat interview before a video interview. I wish I would have done my interviews this way when I first started hiring VA’s. If I like how fast they are composing their sentences and how good their grammar is I then pass them onto a video interview. I want to know if they are punctual and I want to see their personality as well. What I’ve learned overtime is that you should always ask them to perform a task that is in line with their job duties. If you are hiring a graphic designer for example, you want to give them a graphic task and see how fast they turn it in and check the quality of work. This has saved me from hiring the wrong people so many times.


Connor: Finally, this is one that I think our community will love, who’s been your best online hire? What do they do for you? Why are they your best hire? Tell us all about them and that story!


Josh: My best hire has definitely been my Team Lead, Maria. She started off as a social media VA but very quickly I realized she could take on much more. She showed exceptional skill, motivation and needed very little guidance when it came to a lot of projects I handed to her. For this reason, we promoted her to team lead after just 6 months of being with the company. This shows the importance of acknowledging one’s skill set and giving them the right role. 


Connor: As we close this out, I just have one more question. Where is the best place to find and follow you and the company online? Also, if you have one, is there any special offer that you’ll be offering to the community today?

Answer: Our website is You can follow us at our Instagram account and Facebook page. Please like and subscribe to our Youtube Channel – And yes, for anyone who’d like to learn more about Photo Booth business or already on the business, we are offering $1 for 3 days access to our Photo Booth Sales University – click here to register

Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight: Be the Person Who Gets Things Done for Your Business with Sabah Ali Coaching

Hey, thanks for tuning in to another Partner Spotlight interview at OutsourceSchool.

My name is Connor Gillivan. I’m the CMO and an Owner of Outsource School.

We’re on a mission to help 10,000+ business owners master hiring virtual assistants and freelancers, and industry partnerships is a big way that we’re able to make it happen.

We’re all about creating win-win partnerships where we are able to grow with other companies in the eCommerce, agency, SAAS, and online space.



Connor: Hey Sabah, thanks for taking the time to chat with us here. We love getting to know our partners better so that our community can benefit from what our partners are offering and doing in the industry. To get started, can you give us a high level overview of Sabah Ali Coaching and how it got started? 


Sabah: Totally! My coaching business started about a year after I graduated college. I built a social media management business while I was in college in 2018 and did that for about a year until I realized the business model I was creating wasn’t the vision I had in mind. I started to pivot into more of a consulting role by 2019 and then in 2020 I fully immersed myself into being a coach. I first started coaching people in how to build their brand, be more confident, and use their voice to share their message. Then slowly I pivoted into a business coach because I saw the need in the market and I became obsessed with marketing and sales.


Connor: Love that! Can you dive a bit more into the business coaching that you offer? I’m sure our audience would love to know exactly what problems you could solve for them. 


Sabah: Yes, after I signed on one of my first ever coaching clients for $4,000, I immediately asked him “Why did you choose to work with me?” and his response was, “I’ve watched you show up so confidently and powerfully within the past few years, I want to do the same thing.” At that moment I realized, the reason why people buy is because of YOU, not the product you are selling. Most people don’t have a ‘sales’ problem, they have a connection problem. I help business owners scale their biz to multi 6-7 figures by identifying their values, strengths, unique factors, and voice to create a connection FIRST with their audience and then help them sell their offers organically through attraction marketing. I focus a lot on energetic attraction, social media strategy, and a simple sales process. In a world where there are thousands of people selling the same thing you are, the product is no longer the differentiating factor, it’s you.


Connor: Jumping off of that…if there was one problem you’d say that Sabah Ali Coaching solves best for your clients, what would it be? Why? 


Sabah: Knowing how to build a brand people love to follow and buy from. Once again, I don’t believe businesses are selling products, they’re creating brands. When I think of a real brand, like Nike or Chanel, it evokes a feeling for the clients; something that can’t be replicated from some other store they buy from. Any marketing, sales, or messaging problem goes away when you have a brand people love.


Connor: As the company continues to grow over the next year, what are your plans for expansion? Any new products or offerings or enhancements to your current products? 


Sabah: We recently launched a monthly membership for business owners and creatives who want to get access to daily support to grow their social media and sign on clients every single day in their business. Monetizing Social Membership is a vision I had for quite some time. I built my business by refining the basics and knowing the correct actions to take. In the membership, I give people a daily and weekly action plan to go out and implement so they are scaling in a linear way. Current clients have been loving it and I plan to expand this to thousands of people! We also just launched our first in person live event in South Florida later this year in October and are excited to start hosting in person experiences. I see my business going way beyond just the online space.


Connor: And how specifically would you say that Sabah Ali Coaching and your team is different from other coaching businesses in the industry?


Sabah: My business is a part of my lifestyle, people always ask me “HOW”? How do I show up daily, post content, be active on social media, sell offers, etc. I’ve created a relationship with my business where it’s something that I do. What I teach is my life, it’s not separate from it, so if you are fully embodiment with what you teach or are selling – creating content, marketing, and selling should come extremely natural to you too. I don’t just give you the strategies of what to do, I help you become the person who is able to implement and get results from them.


Connor: What’s your outsourcing story? We find that everyone has a different experience when outsourcing and hiring online. What is your first memory that comes to mind?


Sabah:: The first person I ever hired in my business was a virtual assistant that helped me with client support, admin work, and basically was my go to person anytime I had a problem in my business. I found my VA organically through my network, which was amazing, because she stayed with me for over a year! As I started to scale, I hired assistant coaches to help with delivery, sales reps, and other VAs who basically all came from my network. I personally always felt comfortable hiring people from trusted friends and peers in my industry. It felt amazing growing a team because it was no longer just me, I had people I could rely on and they could rely on me. 


Connor: Love it! Talking more about outsourcing, what advice would you give to yourself if you were just about to start outsourcing and hiring online? 


Sabah: Hire someone you trust the minute you speak with them. I remember going through the process of interviewing so many people for various roles and I always listened to my gut about who to hire. Of course, I had some bad hires throughout the years, but I never spent too long going back and forth between people or interviewing dozens of people. Knowing exactly what I needed and who I needed (in terms of skills and personality) made it easier to hire! 


Connor: How about this one…how do you communicate with the people you hire online? What’s your best practices there and how has it changed over time? 


Sabah:: Before I speak to anyone on the phone now, I have them fill out a form so I know they could be a fit for the role I have. Just like filling out a job application, I qualify them. I need to know they understand my industry, personality, what I need, and if they know what they are doing. Many times I see people get on the phone with SO MANY PEOPLE and are unorganized. Don’t do that, because it wastes your time (and theirs) and makes it hard for you to choose the right fit for the role. Luckily, I did have the support from mentors to guide me with this process so it always felt super smooth for me.


Connor: Finally, this is one that I think our community will love, who’s been your best online hire? What do they do for you? Why are they your best hire? Tell us all about them and that story!


Sabah: My executive assistant, when you scale your business you obviously cannot do everything. When I hired her, it honestly felt like a weight off my shoulder because I was doing so many small things in my business that took away focus from the big things. When someone stays with you for so long, they get to know you better – so she would do things for me, without me even having to ask her! Self led team members are something I highly value, especially since I am always innovating and creating new projects in my business. One again, she came through my network and the first time we chatted it felt like a super organic connection!


Connor: As we close this out, I just have one more question. Where is the best place to find and follow you and the company online? Also, if you have one, is there any special offer that you’ll be offering to the community today? 


Sabah: The best place to stay connected with me is on my Instagram: That is where I am most active and love to connect with new people. 


Yes I have a free 20 page content guide that helps you create content that connects with your audience and gets them buying, you can download that here: 

Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight: Deliver SaaS Products to Your Customers with Andrew from Chat HQ

Hey, thanks for tuning in to another Partner Spotlight interview at OutsourceSchool.

My name is Connor Gillivan. I’m the CMO and an Owner of Outsource School.

We’re on a mission to help 10,000+ business owners master hiring virtual assistants and freelancers, and industry partnerships is a big way that we’re able to make it happen.

We’re all about creating win-win partnerships where we are able to grow with other companies in the eCommerce, agency, SAAS, and online space.

In this exclusive interview, we interview Andrew Kamide from Chat HQ. Andrew provides high-quality, industry exclusive, lead generation using Google Adwords and Facebook ad campaigns.

With nearly 10 years of marketing experience, he is able to maximize his client’s lead generation opportunities using highly targeted audiences across various marketing channels.

To put it simply… Andrew helps businesses grow with proven marketing strategies!

Connor: Hey Andrew, thanks for taking the time to chat with us today. As a company, one of our goals is to highlight our partners so that our clients can benefit where it makes most sense. To get started, can you give us a high-level introduction to Chat HQ and a little bit about how the company got started? 

Andrew: ChatHQ helps digital marketing agencies deliver SaaS products to their customers. By incorporating ChatHQ products into their product offerings, we are helping these digital marketing agencies transition either into a full SaaS company, or a hybrid SaaS company that offers both software and marketing services to their clients (SwaS).

ChatHQ was founded back in Feb 2021 when both myself and my co-founder and CTO Sergio Leon almost became competitors. We both had ideas for a particular software add-on to a popular platform called HighLevel, and instead of competing, we decided to partner up and leverage each other’s strengths to grow together.

Connor: Thanks for sharing that! Can you dive a bit more into the products and services that you offer to help increase profit margins and customer retention rates? Our audience is always looking for reputable companies that they can lean on for specific parts of their online businesses.   

Andrew: ChatHQ’s flagship product is called the Engagement Widget™ that was designed to be used in both sales and support capacities. This widget looks like a website chat widget, but operates as a “shell” to many other tools and gadgets that function independently and differently of one another.

The sole purpose of having multiple tools and gadgets is to provide the exact combination of options for website visitors or customers to interact with in order to achieve a specific outcome or conversion event.

We also currently offer:

  • Livechat software
  • Workflow Automation software
  • and soon will have other software solutions like knowledge base building software, onboarding help guide software, and Ai bot functionality

Our product suite at ChatHQ was designed to help our customer’s business internally but also designed to be white-labeled by our customers and resold to THEIR customers. So when we reference “increasing profit margins and retention rates” we are referring to the ability of the digital marketing agency to provide their customers with sticky software solutions that solve THEIR problems.

Increasing Profit Margins – Generally, digital marketing agencies have low-profit margins, while software companies tend to have large profit margins. This is statistically documented. This tends to come from long sales cycles and a heavy reliance on human labor to fulfil traditional marketing services sold by the agencies to their customers.

By incorporating ChatHQ software into their offerings, they have the ability to cut down the length of the sales cycle by offering a lower ticket product/service up front. With a lower ticket product/service, the digital marketing agency will get less objections, resulting in more sales at a higher profit margin.

Once the software starts providing results, their customers will gain more trust for the digital marketing agency, and they will then have the opportunity to sell higher ticket services moving forward.

Increasing Retention Rates – SaaS holds one of the highest customer retention rates ranging from 92%-97%, while most digital marketing agencies’ retention rate is anywhere from 75%-80%. So if digital marketing agencies incorporate Saas into their offerings, and provide results for their customers with that software, then they will ultimately increase their retention rates by becoming a hybrid SaaS company.

Connor: Jumping off of that…when you’re thinking about your ideal customer, who is that? What are they selling? Where are they located in the world? How much sales do they typically have in a year? If there’s any other qualities, please include them as well. We’re all about making introductions where it benefits both parties. 

Andrew: ChatHQ’s ideal customer profile is as follows:

  • Digital marketing agencies selling traditional marketing services
    • Short term: Digital marketing agencies using HighLevel
    • Long term: Any digital marketing agency
  • 3 to 200 customers
  • $100k + in gross revenue
  • Global

The perfect customer would be a digital marketing agency that already uses HighLevel and is determined to add additional revenue streams to their agency through SaaS, or looking to make the switch from a digital marketing agency to a SaaS company entirely.

Connor: For our audience to truly understand what makes you stand out from other companies in the SaaS space, can you share a story of how ChatHQ truly helped one of its customers?

Andrew: We have not gathered any case studies from our customers yet. We can only speak on behalf of our perspective of their success using ChatHQ.

Connor: As you and your company think about the next year ahead, what does it look like? Are there any specific initiatives that you’re working on as a team to better your product or service for your customers?

Andrew: The year ahead has many challenges for ChatHQ, but ones we are very excited to take on. We will be incorporating Ai into our product in both livechat and the knowledge base software, and we will be making our product much more flexible so customers can customize more and more to best suit their needs and their customer’s needs!

We will also be adding more software solutions to our product suite like onboarding software!

Connor: How about this…everyone loves a company’s growth story. We all naturally go through ups and downs as a company. What was one of the biggest challenges that the company faced in its growing stages? 

Andrew: The biggest challenge we faced, and continue to face, is being bootstrapped. We have launched a few different products to try and boost revenue so that we can properly engineer the software solutions we are imagining and ideating, and that process of building many products creates a fragmented organization with many points of failure.

We are in the process of consolidating our product suite and combining products to make it easier to understand, purchase, and consume as a customer. This will also help our team stay focused and organized as we grow which is a top priority of ours.

Connor: Thanks! Let’s talk some outsourcing! What’s been your experience with outsourcing for your business? What platforms do you use most? And how has it impacted your business over the years?

Andrew: We do not outsource as of today. There are a few projects that we will need outsourcing for, such as creating product videos, SEO, and some others, but we are managing all projects in-house as of today.

Connor: On a similar train, what do you look for when you’re hiring someone online? Are there any specific countries that you prefer to hire from? What traits are most important to you in a remote hire? 

Andrew: We do not have a specific country in mind when hiring. We have the need to hire on both sides of the world as we are a global company and could use the active workforce during all hours of the day. Our team today has US, Latin American, Filipino, and Indian workers.

The most important aspect to a remote worker is punctuality and self-motivation. If they have attention to detail and they are able to manage their time and energy, they will succeed in almost any project/department they are needed in.

Connor: Finally, outsourcing can have a bad rap, what would you say to someone who is thinking about outsourcing for the first time? What advice do you have for them?

Andrew: Pick your outsourcing partner wisely. If you invest too much and don’t get the return you hoped for, you will have not only wasted money but also wasted time the could have been spent with the RIGHT partner.

Connor: As we close this out, I just have one more question. Where is the best place to find and follow you and the company online? Also, if you have one, is there any special offer that you’ll be offering to the community today? 

Andrew: Website, Facebook,IG,  YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter

Special offer – Anyone that signs up through this partnership will receive a 10% discount for life on any/all ChatHQ products!

Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight: Simplify Your Marketing and Sales with Hailey Rowe

Hey, thanks for tuning in to another Partner Spotlight interview at OutsourceSchool.

My name is Connor Gillivan. I’m the CMO and an Owner of Outsource School.

We’re on a mission to help 10,000+ business owners master hiring virtual assistants and freelancers, and industry partnerships is a big way that we’re able to make it happen.

We’re all about creating win-win partnerships where we are able to grow with other companies in the eCommerce, agency, SAAS, and online space.

In this exclusive interview, we interview Hailey Rowe, Business Coach. 

Connor: Hey Hailey, thanks for taking the time to chat with us here. We love getting to know our partners better so that our community can benefit from what our partners are offering and doing in the industry. To get started, can you give us a high-level overview of what you do and how you got started? 

Hailey: I’m a Marketing & Sales Coach and LinkedIn Lead Generation Service Provider. I help coaches and service providers attract more clients, visibility opportunities, & profitable partnerships without letting social media overwhelm or lack of time stop them. 

I got my first life coaching & behavioral change coaching certification when I was 16-years-old & got my Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship at Loyola Marymount University. After college, I worked in Business Development & Marketing for several fast-paced personal development startups. Then, in 2017… one of the startups I worked for had to let everyone go due to project delays & that was my “sign” it was time to go ALL IN on my own business. I began coaching online coaches and entrepreneurs, started a podcast & Facebook Group called Health Coach Nation (Business & Marketing Support for online coaches), and have been loving it ever since.

I’ve been named as one of the Top 25 Coaches in Chicago & top 6 Business Podcasts for health coaches. 

Connor: Love that! Can you dive a bit more into the products and services that you offer in the business coaching space? I’m sure our audience would love to know exactly what problems you could solve for them. 

Hailey: I offer custom private coaching options, but my main program is my 6-Month Coach Inner Circle

It’s a hands-on small group coaching & private coaching hybrid program that helps health, life, and mindset coaches get focused on booking clients, marketing their standout program, & turning their coaching “hobby” into a sustainable business. 

I also offer LinkedIn Lead Generation Services for service providers and coaches who want to book more discovery calls with potential clients, get more speaking & collaboration opportunities, & form profitable partnerships. My team and I grow your connections every week on LinkedIn with your target audience & help you build relationships with your niche. 

If you’d like to learn more about the various ways I work with clients, here are a couple resources:

Connor: Jumping off of that…if there was one problem you’d say that Hailey Rowe solves best for your clients, what would it be? Why? 

Hailey: I help my clients simplify marketing and sales with my “4 Basics of Client Attraction” approach. So often, clients come to me frustrated about “the algorithm,” where to put their focus, and feeling like they have so many ideas but are struggling to implement what matters most for growing their business. I help them prioritize the client-generating activities & principles… as opposed to overthinking or “majoring in the minors.” 

Connor: As the company continues to grow over the next year, what are your plans for expansion? Any new products or offerings or enhancements to your current products? 

Hailey: I am doing more and more corporate & motivational speaking gigs and also am launching a test group for a monthly membership. The membership will be providing tools, strategies, & personal development support for business owners looking to increase sales, stop self-doubt from holding them back, and create a business & calendar they love.

Connor: And how specifically would you say that Hailey Rowe and your team is different from other similar businesses in the coaching industry?

Hailey: I help you attract clients “The F.A.S.T. Way.” Rather than obsessing about posting on social media or needing fancy tech or ads to succeed, we get you focused on timeless principles of marketing and sales

My F.A.S.T. Framework stands for…

  • Followers: We determine who you want to attract as clients & customize a marketing system that’s aligned with your strengths to bring in new leads every week, give value, & convert to clients.
  • Action: We develop content, messaging, branding, & calls to action that DRIVE your dream clients to TAKE ACTION! 
  • Sales: We get you selling your STANDOUT, NO BRAINER services WITHOUT being PUSHY & attracting more qualified people who want to PAY for your services 
  • Time Management: We shift you from “busy work” to smart work in a way that allows you to grow your business while still having time for your family & personal life
  • Transformation: We help you become the confident, resourceful entrepreneur you’ve always wanted to be & ensure that your program is transformational & differentiated. 

Here are a couple other ways I am different from most business coaches…

  • I’ve worked in business development & marketing for several wellness and personal development based startups, so I know these industries very well.
  • I have been a singer and performer since I was 5-years-old, so I can help my clients gain confidence by putting themselves out there, overcoming nerves, being on video, & being polished.
  • I am very hands-on. I review client assets every week… Many coaches don’t take the time to actually give client feedback on websites, their sales calls, webinars, Instagram posts, etc. 

Connor: What’s your outsourcing story? We find that everyone has a different experience when outsourcing and hiring online. What is your first memory that comes to mind?

Hailey: I started out with 1 virtual assistant I found in a Facebook Group and she is still on my team today! 😊 It took me a while to learn that people can’t read your mind & how to delegate well, but I’ve come a long way in being a better delegator. 😂 

Connor: Love it! Talking more about outsourcing, what advice would you give to yourself if you were just about to start outsourcing and hiring online? 

Hailey: Know how to do the task first yourself so that you can document and explain it to your team members clearly. Film yourself or your screen doing the task, write it out, and go through a “test project” with your team member as a starting point. 

Connor: How about this one…how do you communicate with the people you hire online? What’s your best practices there and how has it changed over time? 

Hailey: I communicate with them via voice note, check-in meetings, standard operating procedures, & weekly checklists. Best practices include having a weekly report about what they’ve done this week, leading with the POSITIVES about what they are doing right FIRST before giving feedback about improvements, and making sure you clearly communicate ALL the steps (making the standard operating procedure so simple & broken down that anyone could do it).

Connor: Finally, this is one that I think our community will love, who’s been your best online hire? What do they do for you? Why are they your best hire? Tell us all about them and that story!

Hailey: I have several WONDERFUL team members who I love, but I’ll share that one of my favorites is Irene. She helps me with organic marketing and Facebook Group Management. The reason why I love her is because she’s reliable, goes above and beyond what I ask her to do, and is consistent. 

Connor: As we close this out, I just have one more question. Where is the best place to find and follow you and the company online? Also, if you have one, is there any special offer that you’ll be offering to the community today? 

Hailey: I’d love to share my Free Weekly Planning System to help you LOVE your calendar, get 2x more done, & prevent overwhelm. 😊

You can also find me using the following links: