Hiring a virtual assistant in the Philippines will not always be automatically smooth. There’s a way to set up and manage the process to get good results.
Let’s dive into how to successfully work with a virtual assistant Philippines hire.
Understanding Filipino Work Culture
Sought-After Cultural Traits
- Filipinos are known for their strong work ethic and make efforts to exceed expectations. They are generally hard working and dedicated.
- Most Filipinos have above-average communication skills. They value courtesy and respect, and one way to show this is by making an effort to understand and be understood.
- Filipinos are generally attentive and have a positive attitude. This makes them resilient in the face of challenges, and flexible when things change.
- Filipinos value cooperation and teamwork, and are deeply committed to their families’ well-being. They have a strong sense of community, which can translate to company loyalty, too.
- Even with strong ties to their traditions, Filipinos are respectful of other cultures and traditions. This is because of their empathy and long-term exposure to other peoples.
Filipino Concepts to Understand
“Pakikisama”: Harmony
“Pakikisama” is the Filipino concept of how important it is to maintain smooth interpersonal relationships. It involves a sense of mutual respect and behaviors that foster camaraderie and cooperation.
“Pakikisama” promotes harmony in work relationships and the work environment. The result is effective collaboration.
Be careful, however, to encourage feedback because “pakikisama” can make Filipinos hesitant to express dissenting opinions or raise concerns because they night disrupt the harmony. “Pakikisama” can also lead to favoritism if you’re not vigilant.
“Hiya”: Shame
“Hiya” is a kind of feeling of shame or embarrassment associated with avoiding negative social consequences. It keeps Filipinos in line for the most part, but can force conformity with perceived expectations. This can make them avoid challenging the status quo to avoid embarrassment, even if improvements would benefit the company.
You should not encourage “hiya” as a motivating factor because it can lead to fear of failure. This can make Filipinos overly cautious, avoiding taking even calculated risks because they might make mistakes. It can also result in overly emotional responses to minor mistakes.
Understanding “pakikisama” and “hiya” can help businesses build a positive work environment with virtual assistant Philippines hires. These concepts have positive effects on the Filipino outlook, and you can foster open communication to mitigate their potential negative effects.
Communication Styles
Styles and Preferences
Indirect Communication
A virtual assistant Philippines hire will often prefer indirect communication. For example, you can use euphemisms, give hints, or make suggestions rather than stating things directly. They do not usually like confrontation, and forcing a Filipino to respond directly can cause offense.
Save direct communication for when you must emphasize a serious matter.
Filipinos often draw the meaning of what is communicated from context. This is influenced by the relationship between the speakers, their shared experiences, and nonverbal cues. This can complicate understanding if you’re not used to implicit communication.
One key to note is that Filipinos who are not familiar with each other will maintain a respectful distance from others when conversing.
On a video call, this can translate to being quiet. It doesn’t mean they’re disinterested. On the contrary, it’s a way to be polite, on top of using respectful language and avoid using potentially harsh words.
Languages and Dialects
Most Filipinos speak Tagalog because it’s the national language. Most Filipinos, however, have other native tongues and regional dialects. English is also widely spoken, especially among educated Filipinos who live in the more developed areas.
Nonverbal Communication
Filipinos use a lot of body language to convey emotions and messages. This is not unique to Filipinos. However, the meaning of hand gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact can be different. For example, a Filipino will often laugh when they feel nervous. It does not mean they don’t respect you or think you’re being funny.
Filipinos are avid users of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Part of this is because it maintains a distance between people. This is also why they prefer texting and email to calling.
Giving Instructions and Feedback
Don’t dive straight into direct criticism. Start with encouragement on the positive aspects of their performance. Suggest ways to improve performance rather than pointing out mistakes.
Be patient and kind, and use a warm and friendly tone of voice and softer language. Avoid aggressive and impatient body language. Remember that Filipinos are very concerned about not losing face, which they tend to perceive as public humiliation.
Use “we” statements to suggest expected outcomes to avoid making the person feel singled out as a deviant.
After giving feedback, give the person time to process the information. Then ask them if they have any questions or need clarification. Offer guidance and support several times so they know you’re not offering help just to be polite.
Management Practices that Resonate
Expectations and Work Ethics
Most Filipinos value hierarchy and respect authority. So, they also expect others to acknowledge their role and position. Promote a supportive work atmosphere where they feel valued and appreciated. Recognize and reward their achievements, too.
Every virtual assistant Philippines hire needs clear guidance to avoid confusion or contextual misunderstandings. Set specific goals and clearly define tasks and expected outcomes.
Build rapport with each hire by showing a genuine interest in their well-being. Encourage collaboration within teams, too, to promote stronger bonds.
Be ready to accommodate family needs and commitments when possible. Show empathy and respect for their values and concerns.
Relationship and Connection
You can more easily earn the trust and loyalty of a virtual assistant from the Philippines if you take time to build personal relationships. In return, you can enjoy higher productivity and lower turnover rates because they enjoy increased job satisfaction.
Facilitate open and honest communication through strong personal connections. Build a positive and supportive work environment that encourages VAs to strive for excellence.
As you gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for Filipino values and customs, you can better adapt your management style to suit their needs.
Navigating Challenges in Virtual Workplaces
Common Challenges
Aside from the cultural nuances, time zone differences can make working together with a virtual assistant Philippines hire challenging.
Despite some knowledge of the English language, language barriers can still exist from cultural differences, which can hinder communication.
Establishing trust and accountability can also be challenging in a remote working environment. For Filipino VAs, working remotely is nothing new. Battling isolation and loneliness doesn’t just go away, though. Work-life balance is also hard won with the long, irregular hours.
Depending on how you handle things, some Filipino VAs might tend to feel limited in terms of career growth opportunities. For example, not being there physically or dealing with fluctuations in hours and exchange rates can make them feel less valuable.
Strategies for Success
- Use a time zone converter to avoid confusion when scheduling.
- Agree on work time overlaps when you can set regular meetings.
- Set communication boundaries and work time expectations, but be flexible if possible.
- Use project management tools to keep track of projects and break them into manageable tasks with timetables.
- Use clear and concise language and always confirm that everyone understands.
Celebrating Success and Building Loyalty
Recognition and Rewards
Regularly express gratitude for a VA’s efforts and contributions. Be specific with feedback, both for strengths and weaknesses. Both voice your appreciation and send personalized messages. If appropriate, acknowledge them in front of the team.
Create a structure for performance bonuses that allows you to incentive outstanding performance and reward VAs fairly. Tie bonuses to specific, measurable achievements.
Offer non-monetary rewards, too, like flexible work arrangements for proving trustworthiness. Opportunities for training, certifications, or workshops are also good rewards.
Impact on Motivation and Loyalty
Anyone, including Filipino virtual assistants, likes to feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. It also makes them more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their work.
Group-oriented rewards are particularly effective at building loyalty among Filipino VAs. team swag or celebrations.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I address my Filipino virtual assistant to show respect and foster a positive working environment?
The first step towards a harmonious relationship with a virtual assistant from the Philippines is to never assume. You may not have to address a Filipino VA using a formal title, but it’s polite to ask their preference. Most often, they will invite you to use their first name. Just don’t assume that you can be casual, especially if the person is older. Don’t use a nickname randomly, either, without first gauging their reaction.
What are some common holidays and cultural events that may affect my VA’s availability?
A virtual assistant Philippines hire will often appreciate time off on the most common holidays:
- New Year’s Day (either January 1st or Chinese New Year’s)
- Holy Week, a 3-day tradition culminating on Easter Sunday.
- All Saints’ Day, for Catholics
- Christmas, being the most important holiday across the board.
Other important national holidays include:
- Independence Day (June 12)
- National Heroes’ Day (Last Monday of August)
- Bonifacio Day (November 30)
- Rizal Day (December 30)
Note that regional special days vary, so it’s important to ask your VAs what celebrations they prefer to have time off for.
What are some team-building activities suitable for remote Filipino teams?
Most virtual assistants from the Philippines love group activities. You can set aside one day a month, like we do, to play games. We also share weekend stories every Monday. Morning.
How do salary expectations in the Philippines compare to other countries for similar VA roles?
Pay rates differ based on factors like expertise, experience, the industry, and the role. A virtual assistant Philippines hire will generally cost less than a local hire, though.
Note that not every area of the Philippines is as low-cost as the rural areas. Exchange rate fluctuations also affect their earning potential and satisfaction.
What Is Outsource School?
Outsource School helps you to unlock the potential of virtual assistants and accelerate your business growth.
This is the exact system Outsource School’s founders, Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan, used to go from zero to 8 figures and 40+ virtual assistants with an exit in 2019.
Since being founded in 2020, Outsource School has helped 1,000+ business owners hire 2,000+ virtual assistants for their companies.
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Free resources you might like:
- Outsource School Case Study: How We Scaled to 45+ VAs and 8 Figures in Revenue
- Free VA Calculator | See How Many VAs You Can Afford
- Free Training on 5 Keys to Working With VAs
- Learn Outsourcing 101 | Guides, Downloads, and Checklists
Working with a virtual assistant from the Philippines involves certain cultural nuances. By being aware of these characteristics, businesses can better understand what makes the relationship work. This goes a long way towards creating a more productive and harmonious workplace.