How Outsource School Helps You Save $5,000+ Per Year

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Outsource School helps business owners save thousands of dollars every year. The premise is avoiding the cost of a bad hire. Here are the facts:

When a business makes a bad hire or faces turnover, it can expect to lose at least 30% of that hire’s salary for the first year of their employment. Even when hiring an entry-level virtual assistant at $5 per hour, that comes to over $3,000. 

If you have been hiring for a while, you have probably experienced either turnover or making a bad hire — and probably both. If you have experienced this with 5 people in the same year, then your losses are estimated at $15,600. And that’s only counting this one factor. Additional financial costs must be counted, like how much money was spent throughout the hiring process, including interviewing, onboarding, and training each person. The opportunity cost involved in replacing a bad hire must also be considered. 

Then you need to think about the probability of running into turnover and/or making another bad hire when you replace the people who have left or were fired. If you’re using the same hiring process again, the likelihood is high.

Our top priority is to eliminate waste in the hiring process. So, here’s how Outsource School helps you to avoid the costly effects of common hiring mistakes that lead to bad hires and high turnover. 

(1) A Proven Hiring System 

Outsource School helps business owners become outsourcing and hiring experts. You can learn through their proven hiring system how to find and hire the right person the first time around. This way, you won’t have to worry about the problem of wasted money, time, and other resources. Outsource School offers their unique hiring method to business owners, called the IOTM Method. This system works for any business, and you can start implementing it immediately.

(2) Fast to Implement Playbooks for Hiring Different Positions 

Outsource School has 20 playbooks to date that members can access. These playbooks help them to make good hires for specific roles within their businesses. They fall under management, administrative, marketing, design and development, sales, and finance. New playbooks are released every month to show business owners exactly how to hire and outsource for a specific skill.

(3) A Private Community Where You Can Get All of Your Questions Answered 

Outsource School helps business owners connect with other business owners who have encountered similar hiring issues. Together, these business owners can learn and implement solutions faster and more effectively. 

Outsource School offers support through the platform, but a strong community is always a valuable resource. If you run into any problems and are not sure what solutions to use or how to implement them, Outsource School and the community are available to help you get through faster and more safely.

In the private Facebook group, Outsource School does weekly live coaching calls for all members. These calls are open calls where the Outsource School team takes questions on anything outsourcing. The calls stay up in the group, too, so members can go back and listen to any calls that they may have missed.

The best thing about the Outsource School group is that Nathan and Connor themselves maintain a strong presence in the group. They regularly do live Q&A calls, answer questions in the comments, and encourage active members. That’s free access to the experts themselves without having to schedule anything on their calendars.

(4) SimplySOP for Creating and Sharing SOPs 

Outsource School helps a lot of business owners with the SimplySOP subscription itself. SimplySOP is bundled into the Outsource School package, so full members get this basically for free. 

SimplySOP is a proprietary software that is valued at $497. It helps business owners to create their own SOPs based on a templated formula that has served Nathan and Connor for years. Currently, members also have access to several different SOPs in the private SOP library that have been uploaded to serve as examples and/or templates. There are also various trainings to help you make the best use of the program and churn out effective SOPs for their businesses.

(5) Ongoing Releases of New Trainings and SOPs. 

Cracking the VA Code is an awesome mini-course that helps business owners to learn the exact hiring system that the owner-founders of Outsource School have used to hire hundreds of virtual assistants and freelancers. This mini-course contains everything that you need to master interviewing, onboarding, training, and managing. It even has templates for interview questions, cheat sheets, training methods, screen shares, meeting agendas, and much more! On top of all that, it only takes about 5 hours to complete the entire mini-course.

Final Thoughts

Outsource School helps business owners save thousands of dollars every year. With expert training, templates, guides, software, and community, you get a great deal. But that’s not all there is to the Outsource School program. You also get a rate sheet that shows you common rates for different roles, access to 50 pre-made Job Post Templates that you can post straight to online marketplaces after simply changing out a few details, and more!


Would you like to know how to be certain who your next hire should be? Or maybe you are having a hard time deciding what parts of your business can be outsourced with virtual assistants, right now. We can help you answer these questions, and help you to discover what new systems you should add to scale your business faster. Set up a free hiring consultation with us at Outsource School today – simply book here!

Want help outsourcing & hiring virtual assistants? We make it easy! Learn More, Speak w/ an Expert, or Request a Callback



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